The Best Dave Carney Quotes

Jack: I'll subpoena him. He'll testify with no preconditions.
Dave: Absolutely not. He'll take the Fifth.
Jack: I'm conferring immunity right now. You're taking the stand tomorrow morning, Mr. Talbert.
Dave: He won't testify.
Jack: Are you sure about that, Mr. Talbert?
Warren: I am not sending my daughter to jail.
Dave: What are you going to do, Mr. McCoy? Cite him for contempt? He gets thirty days in jail and you still get nothing. For God's sake, he's just trying to save his daughter.
Jack: No deal. Ms. Ross, get an officer in here. Mr. Talbert, I'm having you arrested pending a contempt hearing.
Dave: McCoy...
Jack: I've had enough of him, his daughter, and her boyfriend. If I could indict him as a co-conspirator, I would. This baby is dead. I hope they all go to jail for it. Place this man under arrest and get him out of my office.