The Best Devon Marek Quotes

Duncan: My teacher always told me that I'd know another Immortal, even one that did nae know it yet.
Devon: What is this? You are a seer? A sorceror?
Duncan: No. Connor, my teacher, told me I would always get this feeling, the same one as I got from you, but it was different. Didn't recognise what it was.
Devon: What you sensed... was greatness.

Duncan: When an Immortal comes for your head, he'll nae be impressed by your fancy, high-falutin' sword work.
Devon: I shall have help. Is that not why one has retainers?
Duncan: There are rules, Marek, by which you're honour-bound.
Devon: Don't bore me, MacLeod. Your rules were not made for one such as I.
Duncan: They're not my rules. They're meant for all of us. For each and every Immortal alive.