The Best Female Boardmember Quotes

Edward: Gregory House is a symbol of everything wrong with the healthcare industry. Waste, insubordination, doctors preening like they're kings and the hospital their own private fiefdom. Healthcare is a business. I'm gonna run it like one. I hereby move to revoke the tenure of Dr. Gregory House and terminate his employment at this hospital, effective immediately.
Female: Don't you think we should discuss this...
Edward: We just did.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: We need time.
Edward: The vote is on the table. All in favor?
[after a few moments of silence, one of the board members raises his hand and the rest of the board members follow suit except for Cuddy and Wilson. Cuddy stares at Vogler, who stares back at her, and she sighs and raises her hand]
Edward: Dr. Wilson?
Dr. James Wilson: Opposed?
Edward: The motion is defeated. Dr. Wilson, would you mind leaving the room, please?
Dr. James Wilson: Excuse me?
Edward: We're gonna take another vote.
Dr. James Wilson: Well, first of all, you can't void my vote by making me stand in the hallway. And second, you should check the by-laws. You need notice and at least one business day before you can reconsider any matter.
Edward: We're voting on a different matter which you are... conflicted out of.
Dr. James Wilson: How can I be conflicted?
Edward: This vote is whether to dismiss Dr. James Wilson.