Top 50 Quotes From Charlyne Yi

Dr. Chi Park: Do you only like tests that involve the risk of death.
Dr. Gregory House: There are some slower less conclusive test, but why take that risk?

Dr. Chi Park: Violence isn't an appropriate way to handle conflict. It was a moment of weakness.
Dr. Gregory House: You barked at me, picked a fight with a painting crew. Maybe it's time to recognize it's not a character flaw. Maybe it's your character.

Ruby: I am an eternal flame, baby!

Dr. Chi Park: [to House] You've spent your whole life looking for the truth, but sometimes the truth just sucks.

Benjamin: Having a family doesn't exempt me from social responsibility.
Dr. Chi Park: But family comes first.
Benjamin: It should. I know that sounds weird, but someone who's related to you, does that empirically makes them more special? More deserving than anyone else?
Dr. Chi Park: Yes. It gives you a responsibility.
Benjamin: My boys have a roof over their heads, they're not starving, I pay court-ordered child support and, frankly, it's, uh... more than they need. I love them more than anything, I just... I can't justify buying video games and private schools when other people's children are starving. I hope one day, they'll understand that.

Dr. Chris Taub: Give the band guy a call.
Dr. Chi Park: I'm not that good at guitar.
Dr. Chris Taub: Or flirting, or small talk.
Dr. Chi Park: I'm not as pretty as Adams, I have stuffy clothes and I hate my hair.
Dr. Chris Taub: Adams works eighty hours a week fixing bunions on hobos because she *can't* face getting to know someone new. Trust me, you find a boyfriend, she'll be the jealous one.

Dr. Chi Park: Guy collapsed after being on his feet for hours on a hot day without breakfast, so... that's really weird.
Dr. Gregory House: E.R. found nothing wrong, then I decided I should test his wallet.
Dr. Chi Park: He's rich? That's why we're taking the case?
Dr. Gregory House: No, we're taking the case because no one knows what's wrong with him and he's rich.

Azrael: I didn't abandon you. I've been busy.
Lucifer: Oh?
Azrael: I mean, you try being the Angel of Death. A lot of people die, Lu.

Dr. Chris Taub: [to House about the patient] He's stable, but we've obviously got a second symptom.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah, yeah, yeah, kid in V-tach. Tell me about the luau in his bedroom.
Dr. Chi Park: It's a traditional Hmong ceremony that's supposed to call back the kid's soul.
Dr. Gregory House: Hasn't he heard of Star-69?

Dr. Chi Park: [to House] Why aren't you more alarmed? We're running out of time.
Dr. Gregory House: [yelling] Aahh, she's dying!
[speaking normally]
Dr. Gregory House: Were you able to figure out what was wrong while I was screaming?

Ray: You've always looked out for everybody, but I think you deserve someone looking out for you for once.
Ella: Well, that is a very sweet thing to say. And I guess I'm 10% less irritated that you lied.

Azrael: [about Ella] Whenever I was in the neighborhood, I'd stop by, see how she was doing, and we became friends. But apparently, it's weird if people talk to invisible angels. So I told her I was a ghost, which didn't help.

Dr. Chi Park: Have you ever paid for sex?
Dr. Chris Taub: Every guy who has ever seen a Merchant-Ivory movie has paid for sex

Dr. Chris Taub: [to Park] I'll tell you what would be weirder, if you didn't dream about having sex with Chase.
Dr. Chi Park: Have you?
Dr. Chris Taub: No, but I've dreamed about having sex with a lot of people I work with and it didn't freak me out.

Dr. Gregory House: [When House meets Dr. Park] I'm not interested in another department's sloppy seconds.
Dr. Chi Park: I'm not sloppy seconds.
Dr. Gregory House: 3:00 a.m. If Foreman had called you in from home, you wouldn't have pressed clothes, coiffed hair and makeup which means you were already here in the hospital.
Dr. Chi Park: Yes, I was on call for neurology.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, if that were true, you'd be working right now and unavailable to help which means that you're hanging out in the hospital pretending to work which means you're not just a reject, you're a cowardly reject who was trying to hide her rejectedness from someone.
Dr. Chi Park: I am not a reject.
Dr. Gregory House: Then go back to neurology.
Dr. Chi Park: I can't. I punched my attending.

Dr. Chi Park: I want to kill my mother. My Popo's on her own and my mother always needs me to take care of her.
Dr. Robert Chase: Well, you could kill Popo instead.

Steven: Ruby, stop being cute! And Sapphire, keep your eye on the ball!
Ruby: [Quietly, to Sapphire] Pun... intended?
Steven: [Warning, to Ruby] Hey! What did I just say?

Azrael: I should have reached out to you when Dad kicked your butt down to Hell. And I was going to, but, you know, a day turned into a week, which turned to, you know, a thousand years, and then it just seemed weird.

Dr. Chi Park: [to Chase] I'm scared of everything.
Dr. Robert Chase: It sucks that there was a stabbing, but you'll get over it.
Dr. Chi Park: Like you have?
Dr. Robert Chase: You weren't even there.
Dr. Chi Park: I know, I... I left the room. It was pure luck.
Dr. Robert Chase: I was in the room. That was pure luck too. I get that you're scared and guilty. You're still a doctor. I don't have time to teach you to act like one.

Dr. Robert Chase: [to Park about Popo] She seems awfully quiet.
Dr. Chi Park: You haven't seen her drunk.

Charlotte: Is it gonna be like this place?
Lionel: Only in it's striving for innate transcendence.

Dr. Chi Park: First patriotism, now loyalty. You hate ice cream too?
Dr. Gregory House: French Vanilla. To willfully identify yourself as something is a perversion of self-expression.

Azrael: Since I couldn't really be with her, and I couldn't be with you, I thought at least two of my favorite people could be together.

Dr. Chi Park: The heparin could cause the patient to bleed into his lungs even faster.
Dr. Eric Foreman: It is crazy, but House doesn't do crazy just for crazy's sake.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Park] Hey, we both assaulted our bosses. It's like we're twins.
Dr. Chi Park: I'd really rather not...
Dr. Gregory House: Okay, I'll go first. My boss dumped me. And yours what? Called you his China doll? Joked about what a crappy deal you got for Manhattan? Assumed you have a huge penis? I have no idea what flavor you are, so I thought I'd just cover the spread.
Dr. Chi Park: My mom's Filipino, Dad's Korean and my boss grabbed my behind.

Azrael: I only ever get to talk to dead humans. I mean, they're so morose.

Azrael: I mean, you know Ella, there's just something about her. She's so positive, she makes you feel like...
Lucifer: Good about yourself.
Azrael: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Chi Park: [to Taub] Chase let me move in with him to get away from my grandmother. Then, he practically let my grandmother move in with the both of us. He's being way more than nice.
Dr. Chris Taub: Then which answer is it? Chase feels guilty for pushing you to move out?
Dr. Chi Park: He didn't push me.
Dr. Chris Taub: Guilt about skanks.
Dr. Chi Park: He loves skanks.
Dr. Chris Taub: It's not the other option.
Dr. Chi Park: There are people that like me. People even want to sleep with me. Some of them are even good-looking.
Dr. Chris Taub: That good-looking?

Dr. Chi Park: That's naive and sick. You really want to improve things? You do it through policy. This guy empties his pockets, what really changes?
Dr. Gregory House: That's right. All those babies with AIDS, they're just using us.
Dr. Chi Park: My parents had $800 between them when they got here. They scraped and borrowed so we could go to good schools and I worked my ass off. No one gave me a handout. It makes me work harder.

Dr. Chi Park: [to Chase] Want me to gaze longingly into your eyes as I tell you the test results?
Dr. Robert Chase: I want you to treat me like a friend which means getting over the fact that you like me more than I like you.
Dr. Chi Park: Yeah, egotism and preening really turn me on.
Dr. Robert Chase: Too bad I'm not attracted to androgyny and self-pity or you'd have it made.
Dr. Chi Park: Because anyone who hasn't gotten wet from your petri dish of STDs clearly has low self-esteem!
Dr. Robert Chase: Bitch.
Dr. Chi Park: Dick!

Dr. Chi Park: So, nobody cares about the position until I apply, and suddenly it's the last limited-edition lightsabre at ComiCon?

Dr. Gregory House: I claim this burger in the name of Queen Isabella of Spain.
Dr. Jessica Adams: I'll go check on the patient.
[as she gets up and House is about to bite down on her burger]
Dr. Jessica Adams: I have hepatitis C.
Dr. Chi Park: [as House is about to bite down on her burger instead] She got it from me.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Taub] Speaking of which, how are your two baby girls?
Dr. Chi Park: Wow! Twins. Congratulations.
Dr. Gregory House: [Fake stutter] Awkward. He knocked up two different women at the same time, at least that's what he thinks he did.

Dr. Chi Park: [to House] Did you use metaphors for your old team? Or do you just think I'm particularly stupid?
Dr. Gregory House: No, they were stupid too.

Steven: We're the Humans! Steven!
Pearl: Earl!
Amethyst: Amy!
Lapis: Bob.
Sapphire: And Sophie!
Ruby: [Doc] Understood! Our team is the Rubies! Consisting of... Ruby!
Ruby: [Earth Ruby, Nervously] R-Ruby!
Ruby: [Navy, Happily] Ruby.
Ruby: [Army, Abruptly] Ruby!
Ruby: [Eyeball, Vengefully] Ruby...
Ruby: [Leggy, Jolly] An' Rooby!

Lionel: As a younger man, before World War II, I had already invested heavily in stockpiling uranium.
Charlotte: Isn't that a violation of international law or something?
Lionel: Not for me.

[Rose and Pearl defeat the Ruby fusion, and one Ruby is left unpoofed]
Sapphire: Thank you, Ruby. You did your best.
Garnet: [narrating] Ruby suddenly realized what Sapphire meant. She had known that Ruby would fail. Sapphire had accepted it, but Ruby... Ruby could not.
Ruby: NO!
[Ruby rushes at Sapphire and pushes her away before Pearl can poof her. The two of them fuse into an entirely new being: Garnet]
Garnet: What...?
[Garnet opens her eyes and starts in shock. She looks down at herself and gasps, staring in astonishment at her hands]
Garnet: What?
[the Gems all around Garnet gasp and mutter]
Garnet: What... what is this?
[Pearl stares, stunned, before starting to rush forward. Rose grabs her on the arm to stop her]
Rose: Wait. This is...
[She sees the other Gems advancing]
Rose: Let's go.
Pearl: [to the Gems] Uh, bye. She and Rose flee the scene.

Azrael: Remember when we used to prank Amenadiel? Please tell me he still has that hilarious angry face.
Lucifer: Still angry. Still hilarious.

Dr. Chi Park: Dr. Wilson, I need your advice. Um, I bet House $100 that I wouldn't get fired after my disciplinary hearing. Ever since then he's been acting like he's actually trying to get me fired.
Dr. James Wilson: That's because he is actually trying to get you fired.
Dr. Chi Park: Does he hate me?
Dr. James Wilson: I'm not sure that's relevant to the equation.
Dr. Chi Park: So it's really over $100.
Dr. James Wilson: I'm not sure the amount is relevant. He's fighting for his honor.
Dr. Chi Park: He'll ruin my career!
Dr. James Wilson: I'm not sure that's...
Dr. Chi Park: What if I bet him $200 I WILL get fired.
Dr. James Wilson: He seems competing bets from the same person a disgrace to the game. He'll be even more motivated to beat you.
Dr. Chi Park: If you were me, what would you do?
Dr. James Wilson: You have to give him something he values more than honor. And you should update your resume.

Ella: In general, just don't be creepy.
Ray: So no more watching you shower?
[Ella glares at her]
Ray: Okay, geez, I was kidding.

Dr. Jessica Adams: Sex releases oxytocin. It's the neuromechanical basis for bonding.
Dr. Gregory House: And that's why men always marry their right hands.
Dr. Jessica Adams: It's different for girls.
Dr. Chi Park: No, it's not. I've tapped over thirty guys and never want to see most of them again.
[House looks up from microscope, and Adams looks at Park]
Dr. Chi Park: I live next door to a Jewish frat.

Dr. Chris Taub: *My* kids loved the massage bed.
Dr. Chi Park: Lab tests showed the bed tested positive for semen, vaginal secretions, fecal matter - both human and animal.
Dr. Gregory House: Probably want to boil the kids for a few hours when you get home.

Dr. Chi Park: You do know I punched the last person that pissed me off?
Dr. Jessica Adams: [while rolling her eyes and walking away] Was it Santa?

Ray: Come on, Ellz, let's just hang for a little bit.
Ella: No. You're a ghost.
Ray: Not to be biased, but ghosts are pretty frickin' cool,

Lionel: It's impossible to find music that really suited the dynamic of this structure, so I had it custom made in Italy.
Charlotte: By who?
Lionel: A gentleman from Venice by the name of Massimo Contini. He works exclusively for me now.
Charlotte: So, you can't buy this album in stores?
Lionel: Never.

Dr. Jessica Adams: Thirty?
Dr. Chi Park: [shrugs] Everybody lies.
Dr. Jessica Adams: Higher or lower?

Bob: Well, if I'm going to die, I might as well do it with a clean soul.
Dr. Chi Park: And if you live? You didn't just burn bridges, you torched, nuked and salted the Earth.

Craig: We just came down to see if you wanted to play kickball after work.
Elaine: Yeah, we thought, you know, it might cheer you up.
Phil: Uh... yeah, let me just, um, look at my calendar real quick. See what I got.
Jexi: [to Phil, as a big number "0" flickers on and off, on the cell-phone screen] You have ze-ze-ze-zero appointments.
Elaine: Dude, your phone is super-mean.

Charlotte: I wouldn't go that far.
Lionel: No, let's go that far.

Dr. Chi Park: But it could end up causing another cardiac arrest.
Dr. Gregory House: Hopefully, and we'll know what set it off.
Dr. Robert Chase: What he means is, it's better to do it here where we can revive him than have it happen somewhere else.
Dr. Gregory House: The prodigal son has returned.
[House hugs Chase]