The Best Flynn Quotes

Flynn: [all flirty] You know, it's a long road to Pamorah. It could get a little lonely.
Cara: You're right.
[softly: ]
Cara: It is a long road to Pamorah.
[seems receptive to his attentions, but then her Agiel connects with his tender spot, and Flynn yells in pain]
Cara: And if you wanna make it there in one piece, you won't try my patience.
Flynn: [hunched forward] The Seeker said you needed me alive.
Cara: Yes. But he didn't say you had to be comfortable.

Flynn: [re the rune on his hand] Seems this is worth quite a bit to you. At least as much as the treasure. You want me to go with you to this Pamorah? It will cost you.
Richard: [shakes his head] You're not getting the treasure.
Flynn: Well, then I guess I'm not going anywhere. And this hand...
[holds it up, showing off the etch]
Flynn: goes where I go.
Cara: Not if I cut it off.
Flynn: [swayed] When do we leave?
Richard: [to Cara] Lock him up in the warden's office until we deal with the banelings.
[she gleefully yanks Flynn along]

Annabelle: My whole life I wanted to see the world. And now that I'm out here,
[shakes her head]
Annabelle: I don't understand it.
Flynn: I can teach you.

Cara: What's wrong?
Kahlan: [dazedly shakes her head] Nothing. It was just a bad dream.
Richard: Tell me about it.
Kahlan: I was in a desert. There was a bird. And a blind girl.
Zeddicus: The starless blackbird of Caska.
Flynn: [awakened] I'm trying to sleep here.
Zeddicus: That wasn't any ordinary dream. That was a message. It belongs to a Dream Caster. A magical clan of nomads living in the desert far away from here. Every generation, a blackbird befriends a small child. That child is then recognized as the High Priestess and has the power to send dreams on the wings of birds.
Kahlan: The girl in my dream, she told me soon I would be the last of my kind.
Zeddicus: Could be a warning the line of Confessors is in danger.
Kahlan: I have to go to Valeria, make sure my sister's safe!
Cara: Valeria? That's hundreds of leagues from here!
Richard: You can't travel alone. I'll go with you.
Cara: I thought there was nothing more important than taking him
[grabs Flynn's hand]
Cara: and his magic rune to Pamorah to find the Stone of Tears.
Richard: Zedd, you go on ahead with Cara and Flynn. We'll catch up with you as soon as we can.
Cara: It's a waste of time.
[walks away]
Kahlan: Why do you say that?
Cara: The Confessors living on Valeria are dead. When Darken Rahl found out there was a male Confessor living on Valeria, he ordered us to bring him the child. But when we stormed the island, the mother sacrificed the baby so we couldn't take it.
Kahlan: And the mother?
Cara: She was eliminated.
Kahlan: My sister? Dennee is dead?
Cara: There was no pain.
Cara: I killed her swiftly.
Richard: [Kahlan is enraged and her pupils become dark] Kahlan?
Flynn: [horrified witnessing transformation] What's happening to her?
Zeddicus: It's the Con Dar!
Richard: Kahlan?
Zeddicus: Stay back!
[to: ]
Zeddicus: You have to leave now!
Cara: I only did what I was ordered to.
Richard: [struggling to hold down virtual tigress Kahlan has become] I can't hold her much longer! Run!
Cara: But I swore to serve you.
Richard: [yells] That isn't possible anymore! Get out of here now!
[Cara runs]

Flynn: [carrying corpse] I need a horse. I have to bury my brother.
Cara: [sternly] We need the horses to get provision. You can bury him outside with the others.
Flynn: I'm not burying my brother alongside the D'Harans who killed him. He should be laid to rest beside our mother and father.
Kahlan: [entering with man] We're going to need fresh water.
Flynn: [to Cara] My village is only a day's ride. I'll have the horse back to you in the morning.
Kahlan: [to the man] Check the cistern.
Cara: [to Flynn, harshly] Do it quickly.
[then,: ]
Cara: I'm so sorry for your loss.
[but with no compassion in her eyes]

Flynn: [Annabelle fell down as she escaped] Are you all right?
Annabelle: Where did you come from?
Flynn: Oh, I just wait around in trees hoping to rescue pretty girls. Think you can stand?

Cara: [holding her Agiel poised to strike] Where's the treasure?
Flynn: I'm not afraid of you. Do you know what horrible things they did to me at Tothrayne?
Cara: [fond memories] Intimately.
Flynn: I didn't break when they put me on the rack. Or when they threw me in the drowning pool. Or when they spun me on the wheel of pain. Torture me all you want. You'll be wasting your time.
Cara: Oh, I don't wanna torture you. I have other ways of loosening your tongue.
[tosses her Agiel on the bed, and climbs onto bed to join Flynn]
Cara: After the awful way they treated you in that place, I can see why you would hire those women to bring you some comfort. But I'll do things to you those women can't even imagine. Many know of a Mord-Sith's ability to bring pain. But few know we're equally skilled at bringing pleasure. First, I'm going to...
[whispers something outrageous into his ear, which he just loves]
Cara: And then I'll...
[whispers something even more outrageous into his ear, which he loves even more]
Cara: But first, you need to tell me where...
Flynn: In a cave, three leagues outside town, by the fork in the river!
Cara: [grabs him by collar, pulls him up from bed] Get dressed!
Flynn: But I told you where the treasure was.
Cara: Take me to it!
[holsters Agiel]
Cara: Now.
Flynn: But what about that thing you were going to do? And that other thing sounded good too.
[gets yanked around and thrown at the door like a rag doll]
Flynn: All right, all right, just the first thing then!

Flynn: I thought I was dead.
Cara: I brought you back.
[no desired response]
Cara: You're welcome.