Top 50 Quotes From Cara Mason

Flynn: [re the rune on his hand] Seems this is worth quite a bit to you. At least as much as the treasure. You want me to go with you to this Pamorah? It will cost you.
Richard: [shakes his head] You're not getting the treasure.
Flynn: Well, then I guess I'm not going anywhere. And this hand...
[holds it up, showing off the etch]
Flynn: goes where I go.
Cara: Not if I cut it off.
Flynn: [swayed] When do we leave?
Richard: [to Cara] Lock him up in the warden's office until we deal with the banelings.
[she gleefully yanks Flynn along]

Richard: I'll never get near the dungeon now.
Zeddicus: Afraid there's only one hope left to us.
Richard: For Cara to get close enough to the margrave to steal the key.
Zeddicus: [to Cara] You must do exactly as I say. When in the hunt, a woman must never take the lead...
Cara: Forget the lessons. I've minced and curtsied and rhymed, and we still don't have the key. I'll get it my way.
Zeddicus: Without your Agiels?
Cara: I don't need magic to make a man beg for mercy.

Richard: [plans to dig tunnel or do whatever to rescue Kahlan] We have to get over the wall.
Zeddicus: And once were inside? It will be three of us against hundreds, with no magic at our disposal. I believe there's another way. Apparently, the margrave is about to choose a new bride to share with him the eternity he's purchasing with Kahlan's life. Every high-born beauty in the Midlands has been competing to be chosen, but the margrave has narrowed down the selection to the countess of Dunstable and the princess of Thryce. They'll both be arriving at the palace tomorrow morning...
Richard: Zedd, why are you telling us the local gossip when Kahlan is going to be handed over to the Sisters of the Dark?
Zeddicus: Because the margrave has known the countess for years, but he knows the princess only by her glowing reputation. He has never actually laid eyes on her. If the princess and her retinue happened to be intercepted on their way, we could arrive at the palace in their place, and be welcomed with open arms. All we need is a princess.
Cara: [clearly agrees that it's a good idea, nods, then realizes:] Oh, no. Mm-hmm.
Richard: Cara, it could work.
Cara: I'm no princess!
Zeddicus: No, you're not. Especially not this princess, who is renowned for her delicacy, her charm, and most especially, her virtue.
[Cara is dismayed]
Zeddicus: But the impossibility of the task must not prevent us from undertaking it.
[spells the princess and her entourage,: ]
Zeddicus: Her Serene Highness, Princess Lorelyn of Thryce.
Cara: [regards this very portrait of a lady:] I think we should dig the tunnel.

Cara: [both of them shivering] We're wasting heat.
Richard: What do you mean?
Cara: [regards him slyly] Try not to be an idiot.

Leo: [as Cara is about to climb onto her horse] Can I give you a hand?
Cara: [climbs up effortlessly, looks down at him:] You'll soon learn that it's we who are here to help you.
[coolly: ]
Cara: Seeker.
Zeddicus: Trying to show chivalry to a Mord-Sith is like trying to dance with a bear. It's never gonna work, and somebody will get their head bitten off.

Richard: How'd you find me?
Zeddicus: I spelled your shoes!
Richard: [laughs] That old trick!
Zeddicus: You think I'd let you walk off with that witch without knowing how we'd get you back?
Richard: [to Kahlan] I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you.
Kahlan: I'm fine, now that I know you're safe.
Cara: [to Richard] You seem to be all in one piece.
Richard: It's good to see you too, Cara.
Kahlan: What happened to Nicci?
Richard: She's still out there.

Cara: [fighting with Denna] Careful. You don't wanna get blood over your nice white leather.

Cara: You were right.
Kahlan: About what?
Cara: You once told me that it's a hard world, and that we don't get many chances to tell people how much they mean to us. There's no one a Mord-Sith should hate more... than a Confessor. I was trained to hate you. But I don't. And I don't wanna die without you knowing... that I consider you to be... my friend.
Kahlan: [smiles] I think of you as a friend too.
[hugs her, not something Cara can easily return, but she gives a little try]
Kahlan: We're going to get out of here. We both know Richard. He's coming for us. He just needs a little more time.
Cara: I know. And I'm gonna make sure he gets it.
[gets up, and runs to the sword]
Kahlan: Cara, no!

[first lines]
Zeddicus: If the compass continues pointing us south, we'll go right past the Falls of Aldermont.
Richard: Is that someplace important?
Kahlan: It's considered the most romantic spot in all the Midlands.
Zeddicus: Many a child was conceived beneath those cascading waters.
Kahlan: I was there once. It's beautiful.
Richard: Oh, really? And who were you with?
Kahlan: My sister.
Kahlan: When the sun sets, the light hits the falls, and the water glistens red. They say it's the reflection of all the lovers' hearts who've kissed there.
Cara: That, or a reflection of the blood spilled at the Battle of Aldermont.
[with: ]
Cara: Two hundred men were killed in that spot. The rest threw their bodies into the rapids rather than surrender.
Richard: Well, that does sound romantic.

Cara: I asked our friends if we could borrow their horses.
[looks back at slew of dead bodies, those soldiers killed earlier]
Cara: They didn't object.

Richard: [standoff in the woods] Cara, don't do this.
Cara: You seem to have forgotten, Richard. Mord-Sith only take orders from the true... Lord Rahl.

Cara: [after the fight] I think that's all of them.
Zeddicus: For now. But this is a place of death. Others may crawl out of the earth to replace them. We should get Flynn back here with the rune as quickly as we can.
Cara: We? Are you sure you can trust me?
Zeddicus: No. But I don't have the luxury of caution.

Cara: [Sword of Truth awakens longing in Kahlan] Is something wrong?
Kahlan: [shakes her head] I miss Richard.
Cara: Why?
Kahlan: [sighs, wipes off tears] Because I love him. And I'm not used to being apart from him.
Cara: [frowns] It's not necessary to feel pain over his absence.
Kahlan: Don't you feel anything?
Cara: Mord-Sith believe emotions must be governed. Sadness, remorse, love... These feelings make you weak. But anger, loyalty, pride... These feelings make you powerful. I can teach you how to control your emotions, if you like.
Kahlan: I'm not sure love makes a person weak, Cara.
Cara: Then why are you sitting on the ground, weeping over a sword?
Kahlan: [chuckles tearfully] Thank you for your advice... but, uh, I think I'll be all right.

Cara: [strung up with chains, badly beaten] Where's Zedd?
Darken: Your concern for the Wizard is touching. I shall put your tender heart at ease. He's alive... for now.
Cara: What do you want with us?
Darken: Isn't it obvious? I want you back on my side. Though I must admit, you haven't made it easy for me. I may no longer have armies at my command, but fortunately, I knew of your special friendship with Dahlia. I knew she would want you back as much as I do.
Cara: My son was never kidnapped, was he?
Darken: Your son was killed the day he was born. I couldn't risk the little bastard growing up to challenge my authority, now, could I? Oh, Cara, has that made you sad? You really have grown soft since you started serving the Seeker, haven't you? It's my fault, I suppose. I left your training to underlings. But someone as valuable as you deserves my personal attention.
[picks up Agiel]
Darken: This time, I won't make the same mistake.

Flynn: [carrying corpse] I need a horse. I have to bury my brother.
Cara: [sternly] We need the horses to get provision. You can bury him outside with the others.
Flynn: I'm not burying my brother alongside the D'Harans who killed him. He should be laid to rest beside our mother and father.
Kahlan: [entering with man] We're going to need fresh water.
Flynn: [to Cara] My village is only a day's ride. I'll have the horse back to you in the morning.
Kahlan: [to the man] Check the cistern.
Cara: [to Flynn, harshly] Do it quickly.
[then,: ]
Cara: I'm so sorry for your loss.
[but with no compassion in her eyes]

Cara: Am I the only one who finds it a little suspicious that when we were just asking ourselves what we should do when we find the Stone, and suddenly a mysterious man shows up saying he knows where the instructions are?

Kahlan: [hanging corpses] These men were tortured.
Cara: [slashed faces, but...] It's not very inspired work.

Cara: [to the corpse of the slave cart driver] You couldn't at least stay alive long enough for me to come back and kill you!
[kicks carcass through the face]

Richard: [takes Kahlan's hand] This is where we say goodbye.
Cara: Can't we speed this up? She loves you, you love her. I should protect her as if she were you. I missed anything? We could be halfway there by the time you two finish your goodbyes.
Kahlan: We'll catch up once the Night Wisp is safe.
Richard: Be careful.
Kahlan: And you too.

Cara: [at Leo's funeral pyre, places that red flower on top of his body, whispering softly:] I do care about you.

Zeddicus: [villagers avoid them] You and your Agiels don't exactly inspire a warm welcome.
Cara: I've learned it can be more useful to be feared than liked.

Richard: I don't think the amulet was the only thing that split in two. Don't ask me to explain it. We need to get to Zedd.
[Cara reaches for her Agiel]
Richard: Not like that.
Cara: [impatiently] Then how do you propose we get to him?

Flynn: [all flirty] You know, it's a long road to Pamorah. It could get a little lonely.
Cara: You're right.
[softly: ]
Cara: It is a long road to Pamorah.
[seems receptive to his attentions, but then her Agiel connects with his tender spot, and Flynn yells in pain]
Cara: And if you wanna make it there in one piece, you won't try my patience.
Flynn: [hunched forward] The Seeker said you needed me alive.
Cara: Yes. But he didn't say you had to be comfortable.

[Kahlan sees Cara take a leaf out of Richard's hair]
Kahlan: What are you two doing?
Richard: We're just discussing whether we should go through the mountains or cross the river.
Kahlan: [to Cara] You had your hands all over him.
Cara: I was taking a leaf out of his hair.
Kahlan: I may not have my powers, but I have EYES, Cara. I know what I saw. You can't stand it that Richard and I were together last night.
Cara: Why would I care?
Kahlan: Do you think I don't see how you look at him? "I'd die for you, Richard"? "How can I serve you, Richard"? You want him for yourself, you always have. Just admit it!
Richard: Kahlan, you are seeing things that aren't there.
Kahlan: Richard, she has been trying to get her claws into you ever since you rescued her from the Mord'Sith!
Cara: NO ONE... rescued me.
Richard: Cara!
Kahlan: You think if it weren't for me you'd have him already? Well, you will never have him.
Cara: If I wanted him I would've had him already.
[Before this escalates any further, Richard steps in between Kahlan and Cara]
Richard: Kahlan, you're not thinking. Cara hasn't done anything.
Kahlan: [defensively] Why do you always defend her?
Richard: Just calm down.
Kahlan: You love her, don't you?
Richard: Kahlan...
Kahlan: All right, fine. If you want her, you can have her. I hope you two will be very happy together.
[She walks away]

Flynn: I thought I was dead.
Cara: I brought you back.
[no desired response]
Cara: You're welcome.

D'Haran: Command me, Confessor!
Kahlan: Tell me why you attacked us.
D'Haran: We had standing orders to kill the Seeker.
Richard: Maybe you haven't gotten word. The war's over.
D'Haran: Yes, but there's a rumor among the officer corps that the Seeker's of the Rahl bloodline, that he's next in line for the throne.
Cara: Then the D'Harans should serve him, not try to kill him.
D'Haran: My commanding officer, general Grix, wants to claim the throne for himself. He's trying to eliminate anyone who would challenge him. Not only the Seeker, but rival generals in the D'Haran army as well.
Cara: Only a Lord Rahl can rule the empire, not some common foot soldier.

Cara: If you had assumed the throne of D'Hara months ago, the army would be helping you in your quest, instead of trying to kill you.
Richard: If I had claimed the throne, I wouldn't be on a quest to find the Stone of Tears. I'd be too busy killing and scheming to keep control of my empire.
Cara: Sometimes ruthlessness is required of a leader. Fear is the only thing that ever united D'Hara.
Richard: I've never tried to get people to follow me by terrorizing and killing them.
Cara: Your sentiments are noble, but impractical. A true leader takes power, he doesn't ask his subjects for permission first.
Richard: That was Darken Rahl's way... not mine. Now let's go find Grix.
[Cara follows him]

[last lines]
Cara: [hands over compass to Richard] You're going to need this back. We have a quest to get back to.

Cara: A general intent on conquering all of D'Hara makes a detour to visit a brothel. Should I pretend to be surprised?

Cara: [closing lid of crate] I've seen him before. A man came to the stables asking for a horse so he could take his brother to be buried.
Richard: Apparently he took the treasure instead.
Kahlan: [to Cara] And you believed his story?
Cara: [to Richard, ignoring Kahlan] The Confessor told me I had to show more compassion.
Kahlan: Are you saying this is my fault?
Cara: Yes.
Richard: [as the two young women glare at each other] It doesn't matter whose fault it is. We need to find him.

Darken: [Cara's in the sickeningly green hell of the Underworld] So... you want to be a baneling?
Cara: Send me back... and I'll serve the Keeper.
Darken: [clearly savoring his prospects] And miss out on the pleasure... of tormenting you for an eternity?
Cara: I'm only one soul. Think of all the others I could provide for you.
Darken: Yes... you always had a nose for blood, Cara. But perhaps you're forgetting the fact that you betrayed me. You helped the Seeker to kill me. And now you want me to trust you to uphold your end of the bargain?
Cara: If I don't honor the agreement, you can call me back here to face the Keeper's wrath.
Darken: True. But if I give you a second life, you will just go back to helping Richard. He and I aren't exactly on friendly terms.
Cara: You know I kill people to protect Richard. Many. What does it matter why I do it, as long as I do it?
Darken: Yes, the Seeker and his merry band are some of the Keeper's finest suppliers of souls. But you delude yourself into believing you're killing to defeat evil. My banelings have to kill every day. What happens when you run out of bad people? I don't think the Seeker would appreciate you killing the good ones.
Cara: That will be my problem.
Darken: It certainly will. Do you understand the rules?
Cara: If I keep killing, I stay alive.
Darken: Only living people. No banelings. Their souls already belong to the Keeper. And you can't... get ahead.
Cara: [puzzled] Ahead?
Darken: I'm sure it's occurred to you that you can kill six or seven irredeemable miscreants and stay healthy for a week at a time. But it doesn't work that way. Every time you kill, the clock begins to tick again. And don't think because you're a Mord-Sith you will have a special advantage. As a baneling, you will no longer have the Breath of Life. You won't be able to kill someone only to revive them.
Cara: I understand. Now send me back.
Darken: [almost lovingly] Patience... never was one of your strong suits, Cara.
Cara: Do we have a deal... or not?

Zeddicus: [re the party] Care to join them?
Cara: I'd rather fight Gars.

Cara: Well, Wisp, It's just you and me. And we have a long way to go, so...
Cara: What do you wanna talk about?
[Night Wisp warbles]
Cara: Huh? Hmm. This would be so much easier if you used words instead of chirping. I'll bet you wish Kahlan was here instead of me. The truth is you're lucky I'm here. Kahlan couldn't have run all night and got you safely out of Gar territory like I did. I'm faster than she is. I have more endurance. I'm also better in a fight. If it weren't for me, everyone in this quest would be Shadrin food by now.
[Night Wisp continues warbling]
Cara: I'm not boasting. I'm simply...
Cara: Wait. Did you just say I was boasting?
Cara: I can understand you.
[bossy: ]
Cara: Say something else.
[more warbling]
Cara: Kahlan is close?
[looks around]
Cara: Where?

Cara: [enters cave dwelling carrying batch of hunted-down hares] I brought you dinner. Quick little bastards. But not quick enough.
Roga: Thank you. But we never eat anything that's been killed.
Cara: [coldly] Actually, I found them by the side of the road, where they died a natural... peaceful death.
Zeddicus: Cara... We're Roga's guests.
Cara: There's no sense to this!
[throws down the hares]
Cara: It's one thing to kill another person. But you have to eat.
Roga: I saw some winterberries growing along the path, down below the rocks. We'll gather some.
Zeddicus: [as the group goes off] Go after them.
Cara: They don't want our help.
Zeddicus: As long as we're with them, I'm not going to allow any more of them to be killed. Go!
[Cara goes after them, smirks]

Darken: The Wizard's power is useless against you, but the Mother Confessor is another story. Her touch is deadly to Mord-Sith.
Cara: I'm not afraid of the Confessor, My Lord. The Seeker won't stop until he recovers the Stone. And he'll kill you to get it. Please. Let us do this for you.
[kisses Darken Rahl, but a sly look speaking volumes is shared with Dahlia]
Darken: I'm so glad you've returned to my family, Cara.

Zeddicus: The only way to kill banelings is to burn them. We'll need oil and torches.
Cara: Why not just use Wizard's Fire?
Zeddicus: I don't think that would be wise.
Cara: [eyes narrowed] It's because I'm a Mord-Sith, isn't it? You think that if you use your magic, I'll turn it against you. I've had chances before.
Zeddicus: With the Seeker and Confessor nearby. And now you know where the tomb is.
Cara: Do you honestly think that's why I followed Richard all this way? In the hopes that he'd send me here with you... alone, so that I could steal the stone for myself?
Zeddicus: Probably not. But what's at stake is far too important to rely on probability.
Cara: [heard something] I don't believe you have the luxury of caution.

[first lines]
Cara: It's a good thing Mord-Siths are used to torture, because that's exactly what eating this stew will be.
Richard: [takes sniff] Well, maybe Zedd and Kahlan will find some mushrooms.
Cara: It's gonna take more than mushrooms to save this.

Zeddicus: Did he hurt the boy?
Kahlan: Mostly just scared the wits out of him. But there was an anger in Richard's eyes I'd never seen before.
[shakes her head]
Kahlan: Bitter... and harsh.
Cara: Maybe you're just upset because Richard raised his voice at you.
Kahlan: You weren't there. Had you seen what happened, you'd know something was wrong. The Sword was glowing.
Zeddicus: Glowing?
Cara: Does that mean something?
Zeddicus: The magic of the Sword is fueled by the Seeker's anger. With it, he's able to fight with the strength of many men. The Sword only glows... when the Seeker's anger turns to rage.
Kahlan: He was out of control. Could this have something to do with removing the binding spell from the Minders?
Zeddicus: I don't know. But I need to see him!

Darken: What an unexpected pleasure to see so many old friends... in one place. Though I must say, Walter, I have seen you looking better.
Richard: We know what you're planning to do to him. And we're not going to let it happen.
Darken: Now something tells me you'll do more than let it happen. You're going to kill him for me too. And then your new Sister of the Dark friend here will summon my soul into his body, and Cara's lovely lips will blow the Breath of Life into my new lungs.
Cara: You're out of your mind.
Darken: On the contrary, I'm thinking quite clearly. Are you, brother? Or do I need to remind you that without the Scroll of Valdaire, you will never repair the veil? The Keeper will win, and every living person in this world will die. But... if you do as I ask, I will hand you the Scroll personally.
Richard: Suddenly, you wanna defeat the Keeper?
Darken: I want to live again. You, of all people, must understand that, brother. I miss the taste of a crisp apple, the warm press of a woman's flesh against my own. But I must admit, being a spirit does have its advantages. I can appear to Sister Marianna much faster than you can get to the temple. I have but to command her to burn the Scroll, and your failure is assured. So do we have an agreement, or don't we?

[first lines]
Darken: [to the assembled Mord-Sith warriors all kneeling around him] The Seeker now has all three Boxes of Orden. And The Book Of Counted Shadows.
Cara: My Lord...
Darken: Yes, Cara?
Cara: I'm looking around, and I don't see any of us groveling at the Seeker's feet begging to be commanded. If he truly has the power of Orden, he would have used it already.
Darken: There must be some reason he hasn't. But I'm not willing to wait around to find out when he does. We kill him... tonight.
Cara: If you'd given me the task... he'd already be dead. Tell us where he is.
Darken: He was last seen yesterday. Somewhere around West Granthia.
Cara: He's somewhere? In a province that crosses two rivers, a mountain range and six-hundred leagues of forest? Forgive me, my Lord, but my sisters and I are Mord-Sith, we are not magicians. How will we find him?
Darken: [grabs her face] Tell me, Cara... How does a sea hawk find a tiny fish in a great wide ocean?

Roga: Hungry?
[offers berries]
Cara: [haughty] Not particularly.
Roga: Don't you like winterberries?
Cara: Maybe stuffed inside a crisply roasted suckling pig.
Roga: Try one. You may be surprised.
[Cara deigns to sample one]
Roga: Good... Right?

Cara: The air's getting thinner.
Kahlan: There's one way to double how long it lasts.
[looks intently at Cara]
Kahlan: Kill me.
Cara: [their eyes meet] Has the lack of air driven you mad?
Kahlan: It could give Richard the time he needs to find us. And when he does, you could give me the breath of life.
Cara: As tempting as the offer to kill you may be,
[shakes her head]
Cara: Richard will never forgive me if I let you die.
Kahlan: But I'd only be dead for a short time. And then you could bring me back.
Cara: It's too big a risk. We don't know how long it's gonna take Richard to find us. But there is another way. I'll die instead.
Kahlan: I can't bring you back.
Cara: But you can live.
Kahlan: Cara, no! If you die, your death would be final.
Cara: Better one of us than both of us.

Richard: The tracks lead that way, but they are at least a day old. We have to pick up our pace.
Zeddicus: Fortune has smiled upon us.
Cara: A Sister of the Dark has escaped with the Scroll, she's hours ahead, and you call that... fortunate?
Zeddicus: Do you smell that?
Cara: Smell what? Pine trees?
Zeddicus: Lamb, butter, a touch of fennel. There it is, on the wind, the sound of distant laughter. Which leads me to conclude we're fast approaching a roadside tavern, the balm of all weary travelers.
Cara: We don't have time to feed your belly, Wizard.
Zeddicus: None of us have eaten in days. We'll all move a lot faster once we are fortified. And I'm certain that a good tavern keeper will be more than happy to back up our victuals for the road. Compliments of the house.

Leo: The compass is still pointing the same way. Maybe it's leading us to the Stone of Tears.
Kahlan: No, it's leading us to Richard. I'm sure of it.
Cara: Wizard, we've been traveling for weeks. Wouldn't it be faster if you just turned us into birds?
Zeddicus: How would Leo carry the Sword of Truth? In his beak?
Leo: [laughs, then turns towards Cara] So, what kind of bird would you want to be?
Cara: What difference does it make?
Leo: I'm curious.
Cara: Blue-tailed sea hawk.
Leo: That's a noble animal.
Cara: One that attacks without warning.
[spitefully: ]
Cara: Nothing escapes its claws.
Leo: Do you know what kind of bird I'd be?
Cara: Parrot that doesn't know when to stop talking?
Leo: The banded falcon. They're the only birds blue-tailed sea hawks will fly with.
Cara: [halts] Keep going. I have a stone in my boot.
[but is really hiding the attraction she has towards Leo]
Kahlan: Leo has feelings for you.
Cara: [coldly] Same feelings all men have.

Kahlan: [re Dahlia] You know I can't read a Mord-Sith.
[to: ]
Kahlan: Do you think we can trust her?
Cara: I've known her for a long time. Before we were Mord-Sith, we were schoolmates.
Kahlan: [realizes] She was taken from Stowecroft too.
Richard: If there's any chance that she's telling the truth, we need to find this boy.
Cara: What we need to find is the Stone of Tears. This could be a trap set by the Sisters of the Dark to keep you away from your quest.
Kahlan: Cara, we're talking about a child... your son.
Cara: He means nothing to me.

Sirian: [Ella screams, Sirian comes running, aiming his bow at Cara] Get away from my daughter.
Grace: It's alright, mama's here.
Cara: I'm not here to hurt anybody.
Sirian: Then leave now, before I put this arrow through your eye.
Grace: [Cara prepares to leave] Wait.
Sirian: Grace, stay away from her.
Grace: Cara?
Cara: Yes.
Sirian: You know her?
Grace: She's my sister.

Dahlia: [after getting knocked down] Cara, it's me!
Cara: Dahlia?
Richard: Do you know her?
Cara: [as Dahlia gets up] We served together for many years.
Richard: [to Dahlia] Why were you following us?
Dahlia: The true Lord Rahl is in danger. I need your help to save him.
Cara: Darken Rahl may have used magic to come back to the world of the living, but Richard is the true Lord Rahl.
Dahlia: [shakes her head] I'm not talking about Darken Rahl... or the Seeker. I'm talking about your son.
[all eyes on Cara]
Richard: You have a son?
Cara: Many Mord-Sith bear children.
Dahlia: But not many bear children fathered by Darken Rahl.
Richard: [looks at Cara sharply] Why didn't you tell us?
Cara: It wasn't important.
Kahlan: What happened to the child?
Cara: He was taken from me at birth.
Kahlan: [softly] Cara, I'm so sorry.
Cara: [snaps] Don't be! It was considered an honor to be chosen by Lord Rahl.
Richard: Do you know where the baby was taken?
Cara: Male children born to the Mord-Sith are sent to the Dragon Corps to learn how to fight for D'Hara.
Dahlia: When Darken Rahl died, my sisters and I went to find the boy. We took him back to our temple and served him like the true Lord Rahl he will one day become. Then, a week ago, our temple was raided by the Sisters of the Dark.
Cara: The Sisters' powers are useless against Mord-Sith.
Dahlia: We thought so too. But they've grown stronger. We couldn't repel their magic. I was the only Mord-Sith to survive. The Sisters took the boy.
Zeddicus: Where?
Dahlia: I tracked them to a retreat in the hills of Eritrane. But I knew I wouldn't be able to rescue him on my own. So I came to find you.
Cara: We have more important things to do than chase after a missing child.
Dahlia: Cara, there's nothing more important than your son. He's the future of D'Hara. And he needs your help.

Cara: [she heard him use the word 'discipline' and so...] When my servants dropped things and began to grumble and whine, it was never too long before they fell back in line.
The: Tell me how you manage it, princess.
Cara: Once, long ago, I was training a slave, who endeavored most stubbornly not to behave. So I cut off a finger or two with a knife, and threatened to slaughter his child and his wife. Then I stripped him naked, and strapped to a horse, I dragged him through miles of bramble and gorse. I rubbed salt into his wounds, and rolled him in rubble. That was the last time he gave any trouble.
The: Impressive. I'll have to give it a try.

Zeddicus: [to Cara] Would that your transformation were as simple. You must unlearn everything you know and believe. To begin with, you must never look any man in the palace directly in the eye. You must never speak your mind on any subject, but always defer to the opinion of your masculine betters.
Cara: [shakes her head, smiles] There's no such thing.
Zeddicus: Exactly the attitude you must abandon! Most challenging of all, when in the margrave's presence, a lady must always, without exception, speak in a rhyming dactylic tetrameter.
Richard: A what?
Zeddicus: A poetic meter in which each line consists of four groups of three-syllable phrases with the accent on the first syllable. And the first syllable of the fourth phrase of each line must rhyme with the corresponding syllable on the line before it.
Cara: You're making this up.
Zeddicus: I passionately wish I were. I shall demonstrate by example. If the margrave were to ask you "Hasn't the weather been nice lately?" you might answer
[in: ]
Zeddicus: "The night was a tumult of thunder and storm, but ever since then it's been lovely and warm." Care to try?
Cara: There's no way I'm going to win this competition!
Zeddicus: You don't have to win. You just need to keep us in the game long enough for Richard to find Kahlan and rescue her.

Cara: [finds Zedd, who has spell-induced amnesia] Why is it that when I'm hunting down a man, I never have to look further than the first brothel past the gates?
Zeddicus: Keep away from me!
Cara: Sorry, your little adventure is over. I'm taking you back to Richard and Kahlan.
Zeddicus: I'm not going anywhere with you!
Cara: I think you'll reconsider.
[draws her Agiel]