The Best Shota Quotes

Richard: Zedd, you know her?
Zeddicus: Once, when I was a foolish young wizard and ventured into that seductress' lair.
Shota: Few have ever complained.
Zeddicus: Few have ever lived long enough to.
Shota: I should've killed you when I had the chance.
Richard: Who is she?
Zeddicus: A powerful sorceress, who rules Agaden Reach, using her twisted magic to shape events in her favor. And she's no friend of the Seeker.
Shota: Nor am I a friend of Darken Rahl. If he gains dominion over this world, I'll be enslaved by his magic. I must help the Seeker, for the prophecy says only he can defeat Darken Rahl.

Shota: Six fingers west of the moon. Okay. Seven sisters pass through the House Of The Lamb every 627 revolutions. I have it.
Kahlan: Where is he?
Shota: Not where. When.
Kahlan: Tell me.
Shota: The Seeker will reappear at the site of his vanishing, upon the rising of the second full moon of the 58th year after his disappearance.
Kahlan: Fifty-eight years. I'll be an old woman.
Shota: You don't truly believe that Darken Rahl will let you live that long.

Shota: I promised King Gregor that his kingdom would be protected forever. So I cursed the royal scepter. Whoever inherits the kingdom, inherits the curse.

Kahlan: Richard is the Seeker!
Shota: Of course you would say that about the man you love. But I didn't come here expecting your help.
[to: ]
Shota: I came hoping for yours.
Cara: Why would I help you?
Shota: Because you don't care who bears the name of Seeker. You only care about protecting Richard Rahl. But if he continues on this doomed quest, the Keeper will win and he will die along with everyone else in the world. Now, Zedd can't use his magic against you. If you subdue him, then I can force him to do what must be done.
Cara: Funny how people always curse the Mord-Sith.
[cold smile]
Cara: Until they need one.
Shota: Do you want Richard to live, or don't you?
Cara: You're right. Wizards can't use their magic against a Mord-Sith. And neither can witches.
[draws Agiel, zaps Shota, brings her to her knees]
Cara: There's only one way to stop that from happening again. Undo the spell you put on Zedd!