The Best Genevieve Sutton Quotes

Richard: Couldn't you have just flown us out of there on a carpet?
Genevieve: What are you talking about?
Richard: You can't make carpets fly?
Genevieve: Can you?
Richard: I'm not a genie.
Genevieve: Neither am I.
Richard: Yeah, that's something a genie would say, because they're liars and tricksters.
Genevieve: By that logic, any liar could be a genie.
Richard: Well, we've caught you now, and you're not going anywhere. The cops are right over there and you're gonna tell us everything you know.
[he turns and sees Genevieve has vanished into thin air again]
Richard: Come on!

[going to question Genevieve, Castle rushes ahead and locks Beckett out of the interrogation room]
Richard: You may have everyone else fooled, but not me.
Kate: [from outside] Castle, let me in.
Richard: I am your master. I command you to tell me the truth.
Kate: Castle!
Richard: Are you a genie or not?
Genevieve: Can you let her in? Because you're seriously weirding me out.
Richard: I'm gonna take that as a maybe.
[unlocks the door]
Kate: I'd apologize, but his behavior is the least of your worries. You are accused of two homicides and connected to the theft and trafficking of millions of dollars in antiquities. So, your best bet is to start talking.
Genevieve: Look, I didn't kill anyone. And I was trying to keep the relics from falling into the wrong hands. And I would've, too, if I hadn't had to save your... reality-challenged husband.
Richard: I prefer "fantasy-augmented."

Richard: You.
Genevieve: Hey.
Richard: You broke into my office?
Genevieve: No. The redhead let me in. Said I could wait inside.
Richard: You went through my desk.
Genevieve: To look for a pen to write you a note. Wow. You are a very distrusting person.
Richard: Yes, I get that way when I'm lied to.