The Best Caleb Brown Quotes

Richard: Hey, Beckett?
Kate: [in the bedroom] Yeah?
Richard: If Mason had an incinerator in the basement, why wouldn't he just dispose of Caleb's body there?
[Castle is suddenly shot by an anonymous assailant]
Caleb: [entering] I told Mason that you would figure it out...
Kate: Castle?
Caleb: ...but the old man wouldn't listen to me.
Richard: Caleb, don't...
Caleb: Sorry, Rick, but how am I gonna enjoy my retirement with you and the Mrs. hunting me?
Kate: [entering] Castle!
[she and Caleb exchange gunfire; Beckett hits Caleb, and as he dies, she falls to the ground, a bloodstain appearing on her shirt; she and Castle crawl towards each other and hold hands for comfort]

[deleted scene]
Caleb: Hey, what is this I hear that Lanie declared the same guy dead twice today?
Lanie: [entering] He *was* dead twice today.
Kate: [as Caleb leaves] Still pretty sensitive, huh?
Lanie: How am I ever gonna live this down?
Kate: Declare a dead guy alive.
[seeing Lanie's expression]
Kate: I'm joking, okay? Look, it's gonna blow over. We just have to solve Alan's case and keep him safe from the mob in the meantime.
Lanie: Forget about the mob. I would be more worried about your husband.

Caleb: Oh, Captain, you crossed the line. I know that you had Castle go in and interview my client...
Kate: Look, counselor, Castle and I are separated. He is no longer associated with the 12th precinct. So neither I, nor the NYPD can be held accountable for his actions.
Caleb: So you knew nothing about it?
Kate: That's *what* I said, isn't it?
Caleb: I don't believe you.
Kate: And I don't care.
Caleb: Typical cop.
[turns to leave]
Kate: Wait.
Caleb: [turns back] What?
Kate: Look, if you repeat what I am about to tell you, I will deny it. I have people looking into Nina's case.
Caleb: Do you believe that she's innocent?
Kate: I didn't say that. But I think we have to be thorough. And now that the trial has been postponed, we have time to investigate further.
Caleb: I appreciate that, captain.
Kate: Counselor, Nina wasn't your client until yesterday morning. Why are you so passionate about this case?
Caleb: Well, for the same reason that I assume you are. Justice.
[answers his phone]
Caleb: It's Caleb Brown... Yes... Yeah?... Yeah... Yeah, I'm on my way.
[hangs up, to Beckett]
Caleb: So while the judge was heading home, she called a neighbor who checked on her house. Turns out the house was not burglarized. Anyway, she's ordered that the trial resume in a half an hour. So if your people are going to help prove Nina's innocence, they'd better hurry.

Caleb: I hate to bother you, but I could really use your help with a client. Can I borrow you for a quick minute?
Kate: Yeah, sure.
[cut to them entering her office]
Kate: So, who is this client?
Caleb: I think you're familiar with him. Peter McCaffrey.
Kate: Uh... No, it do- it doesn't sound familiar.
Caleb: No? Let me fill you in. Um, so there's this overzealous cop. You know the type, she never knows when to give up. And she has her tech guy look into Peter McCaffrey's recent travel.
Kate: Okay.
Caleb: Yeah. Well, Mr. McCaffrey's a very private person. So he set up some unexpected digital trip wires. That's bad news for the tech guy, and his boss. And so this cop, she keeps marching toward this kill zone, and unless she makes an about-face, it is not going to end well.

Kate: I don't get it. You served a full term in the Peace Corps, you worked for the EPA. You brought legal action against corrupt corporations...
Caleb: What's your point, Kate?
Kate: What happened? You used to make a difference. Why did you sell out?
Caleb: Look... my client is forced to work for a man that he cannot fight. And take my word for it, neither can you.
Kate: Let's help each other out here. We can bring down LokSat. I'm giving you a second chance to make a difference.
Caleb: Captain, just do yourself a favor, hmm? Heed my warning.
[turns to leave]
Kate: No, you heed mine. You have until 8:00 tomorrow night.
Caleb: Then what?
Kate: I'll expose you. And then we'll both be looking over our shoulders, waiting for LokSat to tie up loose ends. Because once they find out that your cover is blown, and I'm onto you, then you're gonna be as dead as I am.
Caleb: Seven minutes, Kate. Seven minutes. That's how long the brain continues to function after the body dies. And as all of those synapses slowly stop firing off, that's when they say that our lives flash before our eyes. Now, when your seven minutes come, I sincerely hope that you do not flash to this moment, when you had a chance to live and you chose not to.

Caleb: You know, every morning we wake up and we choose who we wanna be. I wake up and I ask myself, "Why are you choosing this?" Because you're right, Kate. I was a good guy once.
Kate: And you still can be. Who is LokSat?
Caleb: I don't know.
Richard: Oh, come on, You work for him.
Caleb: Yes, But I started out working for his partner.
Kate: Senator William Bracken?
Caleb: Mmm-hmm.
Kate: So, what, LokSat inherited you?
Caleb: It was more like drafted. After Bracken's murder, I received this on my doorstep with a note...
[holds up a cell phone]
Caleb: ... and I quote, "Mr. Brown, you now work for me. This cell phone is enabled with GPS and will only function at the northernmost end of Aster Park. Be there every third Monday of the month at 8:00 a.m. to receive your orders." Kate, it's yours. And hopefully you can trace LokSat's next call.
Kate: Mmm-mmm. They're gonna know I'm not you.
Caleb: We don't have a conversation. The phone rings, I answer. An electronically modified voice gives me instructions. It lasts no more than sixty seconds, so have your best people ready.
[Beckett takes the phone, and Caleb starts to leave]
Richard: Where are you going?
Caleb: Um... I'm gonna go to the same places that I always go. Work, home. I'm gonna act as if nothing has changed.
Kate: Yeah, but it has, and we can protect you.
Caleb: All I want from you is your promise that you will see this thing through. And remember who I chose to be today, because... nobody else will.