The Best George Quotes

Dr. Nora Fairchild: Alright, let's get right to our first caller. Whom do we have?
George: We have Jenny from Tacoma on line one.
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Hello Jenny, I'm Dr. Nora and I'm here to help.
Jenny: Hi Dr. Nora, my boyfriend and I have been living together for about two years.
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Are you having sex?
Jenny: Our sex life's not the problem, Miss, it's great, but whenever I mention marriage he changes the subject. Do you think that he's afraid of commitment?
Dr. Nora Fairchild: No, that's not it. Let me help you see this from a different perspective: you're a whore, Jenny.
Jenny: [gasps] Huh?
Dr. Nora Fairchild: You're sleeping with a man you're not married to, in my book that's a whore.
Jenny: Well I'm- I'm not a whore! I'm a flight attendant!
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Oh, you think there's no overlap?
[she laughs smugly]
Roz: [listening from the hall] Well, she's got her jitters under control.
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Wake up, Jenny, you have blown it. Dump this creep. Find a new guy and until you're Mrs. New Guy you keep those knees together, okay? Staple 'em! I don't care if you have to hop to the altar!
[she laughs again]
Dr. Nora Fairchild: God bless, honey! Who's next?

George: We have Frasier Crane on line one.
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Frasier, you want to yell at me for that last call?
Dr. Frasier Crane: No, although I do believe that a gifted therapist can help two people put aside their anger and heal the differences between them.
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Blah, blah, blah.
Dr. Frasier Crane: I have someone here with me today, someone you haven't seen for quite a while. There's something she'd like to tell you, something she's wanted to tell you for a long, long time.
[Roz shows Mrs. Mulhern in]
Dr. Frasier Crane: Mrs. Mulhern?
Mrs. Mulhern: [to Dr Nora] You little whore!
Dr. Nora Fairchild: Mother!
Mrs. Mulhern: So, you thought you could get away from me, did you? Thought you could leave me to rot in that dump without barely enough cash for a bottle of Mateuse. You'll pay for that, missy!
Roz: [jumping for joy] I was wrong, Frasier! Your way IS better!

Martin: Who's next?
George: We have Frasier, from here.