The Best Harold Beldon Quotes

Wanda: You *tricked* me! It was you all the time!
Harold: Yes. I tricked you.
Wanda: But why? The moment I let you inside you could've taken me any time! But you were nice. You made me trust you!
Harold: But, I had to make you understand! Am I really so bad? Am I really so frightening? You've talked to me, you've confided in me. Have I tried to hurt you?
[he stands and leans against the wall]
Harold: It isn't me you're afraid of. You understand me. What you're afraid of is the unknown.
[Wanda looks frightened]
Harold: [Gently, holding out his hand] Don't, don't be afraid.
Wanda: But I *am* afraid!
Harold: [still gently, smiling] The running's over! It's time to rest. Give me your hand.
Wanda: But I don't want to die!
Harold: [holding out his hand] Trust me.
Wanda: [backing away] No. No.
Harold: Mother. Give me your hand.
[crying, Wanda slowly puts her hand in his]
Harold: [laughing softly] You see? No shock. No... engulfment. No tearing asunder. What you feared would come like an explosion, is like a whisper. What you thought was the end, the beginning.
Wanda: [with hushed excitement] When will it happen? When will we go?
Harold: Go? Look.
[He glances to the side; following his gaze, Wanda sees her body on the bed, peaceful in its final repose]
Harold: We have already begun.
[Both smiling now, he takes her arm in his and escorts her into the light]