The Best Harry Crawford Quotes

Joe: Well, well, well... Harry Crawford.
Harry: Mr. Mannix. I'm going to ask you a few questions... but only once.
Crawford's: Listen to Mr. Crawford.
Joe: What kind of questions?
Harry: Well, first we know that a friend of ours paid to have you killed. I'd like to know why.
Joe: He's your friend, ask him.
Harry: What's your interest in this artist character, Gemini?
Joe: Well, I, uh, paid him to draw my picture, he didn't deliver it.
Harry: What are you working on? Who hired you?
Joe: Sorry, that's confidential.
Harry: Your professional silence will last a long time in the cemetery.
Joe: Yeah... talking to you will get me in the same place.
Harry: I warned you, Mannix. I expect you to get a name out of him or he leaves here in the meat wagon.