The Best Jeff Pruitt Quotes

Andy: You can't pick out a wife in just two days.
Jeff: Why not?
Andy: Well, how you know you go'n' find one who wants to marry you that quick?
Jeff: Well, I'm good-lookin', ain't I?
Andy: Well, yeah.
Jeff: I'm strong enough to protect a woman, ain't I?
Andy: Well, sure.
Jeff: Got one of the best farms in the county, ain't I?
Andy: Well, yeah.
Jeff: Well, then, shouldn't take more'n two days.

Jeff: Thelma Lou, you're... you're juicier than a barrelful of corn squeezin's.

Jeff: How 'bout that, little buddy? Ain't that a good one?

Jeff: No, for marryin', a fella wants a... a female type, you know, kinda soft and squishy-like. I figure the right place to find one of 'em's right here in town.
Andy: Oh, well, they ought to be a few answerin' that description around here.
Jeff: Sure. Only need one. I figure I'll stick around town a couple days and look over the available stock and pick one and take her back to the farm.