The Best Jesus Chavez Quotes

Jesus: You got my money? The guy told me...
Billy: Yes, I know. $2,000. First thousand up front, second thousand after the message. Have a seat on the couch, please.
Jesus: [sees plastic cover on the couch] This your gram's house, Homes?
Billy: The first $1,000. Count it if you want.
[Jesus counts the money]
Billy: Put the cash back in the plastic baggie, please.
Jesus: What's the matter? You afraid of germs?
Billy: I don't like mess. What's Mr. Stroh want now?
Jesus: Says you haven't scared the boy off with the letters. Says you got one week to figure out how to get rid of either him or the woman. But they're both being watched all the time.
Billy: Yes, I know they're being watched. Did Mr. Stroh tell you where I should acknowledge receipt of this message?
Jesus: What?
Billy: Where do I put my answer to Mr. Stroh? Do you know?
Jesus: Place called Edendale Park, in the creek by the busted fountain.
Billy: All right. Let me get you the rest of your money.
Jesus: Yo, what up? This gonna take long?
Billy: You'll be on your way in just a few. Tell me, did Phillip Stroh give you that message personally?
Jesus: No, I ain't never met him myself.
Billy: Huh. Well, then...
[stabs Jesus in the chest]
Billy: Lucky you. Sorry, it's you instead of Stroh. Kind of sorry.