The Best Jeziah Quotes

Jeziah: You should kill me.
Zeddicus: We're taking you to a healer. You'll wear the Rada'han for the rest of your life. You'll never have the powers of a Wizard again, old friend.
Richard: You know him?
Zeddicus: I thought I did.

Zeddicus: You're making the magic that's being peddled on the streets of Drundril. Why?
Jeziah: The sale of these potions will allow me to raise a militia. An army of the Midlands. A force powerful enough to fight Rahl and his followers.
Zeddicus: Jeziah. I want to defeat Darken Rahl too, but selling magic? It goes against everything we believe in, everything I taught you!
Jeziah: Those teachings are from another era, old friend. Rahl isn't playing by any rules.
Zeddicus: And that justifies exploiting these villagers?
Jeziah: Their lives are dreary. They're suffocating under Rahl's edicts. Magic gives them an escape.
Zeddicus: Magic is rare, it's special. You can't just sell it on the streets to anyone for a few copper coins. In the wrong hands, it ruins lives, it kills!
Jeziah: One village is a small price to pay if we can save the rest of the Midlands.