The Best Joan Leslie Quotes

John: Slim Green it affords me the greatest of pleasure to present tonight's kiss giver outer. The rest is is your hands.
Joan: Hello, Slim.
Cpl. Slim Green: I didn't know you were quite so beautiful.
Joan: I don't know what to say. So, I guess you better kiss me.
Joan: Good luck.
Cpl. Slim Green: Thanks. I'll never forget.

Jimmy: Joanie, how 'bout singing a chorus with the band?
Joan: All right, Jimmy.
[to Slim]
Joan: Do you mind?
Cpl. Slim Green: I'd love it!
Joan: [singing] Good night, Sweet dreams, Tomorrow's another day, 'Til then, Sweet dreams, Sweetheart, Good night, Sleep tight, I'll see you along the way, In dreams, Sweet dreams, Sweetheart...

Cpl. Slim Green: It's all right to keep on dreaming about you?
Joan: Oh, please. And me too, you.

Cpl. Slim Green: I could have a date with Joan Leslie?
Bette: What do you say, Joan?
Joan: I'm flattered and honored to be chosen, Slim. I'll try to show you a good time.
Cpl. Slim Green: Golly.