The Best John Polson Quotes

Billy: [spying on Ambrose through his binoculars] Ambrose is meeting some bloke in the bar. Big bloke. Ginger hair. They're into something.
Ethan: [looking at the man who Ambrose is meeting with] Who is this guy?
Luther: Checking now, Ethan.
[runs the man's face through facial recognition]
Luther: John McCloy, CEO Biocyte Pharmaceuticals. In 1989, acquired Biocyte in a hostile takeover.
Ethan: He was Nekhorvich's boss.
Luther: Right. He worked for them as a research scientist at Biocyte. Ambrose is showing something to McCloy on a digital camera.
Ethan: Whatever McCloy's looking at, he's not happy about it.
[McCloy gives the digital camera back to Ambrose and leaves]
Luther: Ambrose just pulled the camera's memory card and put it in into an envelope. Put it in his inner left jacket pocket.
Ethan: Confirm left jacket pocket.
Luther: [rewinds the footage and checks] Roger that.
Ethan: Nyah. Nyah, Ambrose is on his way back to you. There's an envelope inside...
Nyah: His left jacket pocket.
Ethan: That's right.
Nyah: Where do I meet you?
Ethan: Betting table 12, off the paddock. Are you sure you're up to this?
Nyah: I'll muddle through.

Billy: [after Sean's men shot at their helicopter] You OK, mate?
Luther: That punk put a hole in my Versace.