The Best Jordan Two Delta Quotes

Aces: [to Jordan Two Delta] Something to drink? Jack?
Jordan: Yes, please.
Aces: Straight up?
[Jordan looks up at the ceiling]

Jordan: [after destroys all the tail vehicles] Good job.

Jordan: [she and Lincoln are looking at a rattlesnake] What is that?
Lincoln: I don't know. But it's alive.
[the rattlesnake strikes out, and Lincoln pulls back]
Lincoln: Come on. It's mean, whatever it is.

Jordan: Lincoln, I can tell when you're lying. Your mouth smiles but your eyes don't.

Lincoln: [as Jordan starts kissing him passionately] Oh, that tongue thing is amazing.
Jordan: I know. Open your mouth again.
Lincoln: How come we never did this before?
Jordan: [kissing him] Shut up.

[from trailer]
Lincoln: I think they're going to kill you.
Jordan: I'm going to The Island.
Lincoln: Jordan, there *is* no island!

[from trailer]
McCord: I know you're new to this whole human thing, but... backpacks for boys, purses for girls. Ya understand?
Jordan: We're not idiots.
McCord: Well, excuse me, Miss "I'm-so-smart-I-can't-wait-to-go-to-the-Island!"

Jordan: [watching motorcycle scream down the asphalt] What was that?
Lincoln: I don't know.
Lincoln: But I want one.

Jordan: The Island is real. It's us.

Bar: [quite obviously hitting on her] What's your number?
Jordan: Two-Delta.

[Jordan Two-Delta and Lincoln Six-Echo have just been told they are clones by McCord]
Jordan: Bu- I have a mother! I remember her!
McCord: Yeah, I know...
Jordan: I grew up on a farm! I had a little dog a - and I had a bike...
McCord: A bike, yeah. A pink, fluffy Flyer with little tassels on the handlebars? And you rode it up the street to your Grandmother's house, you'd ring the little bell, she came out and served you cookies on a hot plate?
Jordan: Yes.
McCord: No. Memory imprints. I've seen 'em - a buddy of mine is a programmer at the institute, he showed me. There's only, like, twelve stories, they change around little details, but they're all pretty much the same. The life you think you had before the 'contamination' - it never happened.