The Best June Dorie Quotes

Naomi: You didn't tell me your camp was a baseball stadium.
Madison: You didn't believe I had a camp.
Naomi: How many people live here?
Madison: 47. Forty-eight if you decide to stay.
Naomi: I pulled a gun on you.
Madison: But you didn't shoot. I've done a lot worse when I was out there. We all did. I thought I lost my kids for good because of it. But I found 'em. And then we found this place and we built it up. Together. We are who we are because of it.
Naomi: You don't even know me.
Madison: And you don't know us. So we're both taking a chance. I know it's a lot. Why don't you see how you feel after a shower?
Naomi: A shower?
Madison: Uh-huh.
Naomi: Is the water...
Madison: Yeah. But you all the way to the right to get it really hot.

- I'm staying up here!
- June, did my son ever tell you about the Saint Louis
- Barn Raiser?
June: Yeah.
- You're going to die.
- I have to see the end.