The Best Kamilah Al-Jamil Quotes

Tahani: So I'm just an embarrassment to you? Is that what you think of me?
Kamilah: Honestly, I don't really think about you.

Eunice: I was so sorry to hear of your parents' passing. Please bear with me as I share their last will and testament. "To Kamilah, we have left £68 million, the home in Kensington, the yacht, and other assorted weekend boats."
Tahani: Well, what did they leave their second favorite child?
Eunice: There's still quite a lot of, um, money and property that goes to you. There is one issue, however. They have, um, spelled your name incorrectly in the will.
Tahani: You've got to be kidding me.
Eunice: It says "We bequeath the rest of our estate to Tahini." Like the sauce.
Tahani: You know what? I don't want the money. My sister can have it all. My whole life, I have lived in your shadow, but now I'm going to step out of it. I am going to achieve heights of success and sophistication that you can only dream of.
Kamilah: Your cardigan's on inside out.
Tahani: I know! It's a new trend that I'm starting. Just one example of how I'm going to step out of your shadow.

Kamilah: What?
[Tahani throws her arms around Kamilah]
Kamilah: Tahani, what are you doing? Stop it!
Tahani: No. I'm going to hug you, because I love you, and because you feel just as alone as I do. I'm sorry our parents were such wankers, and I understand that you can't accept my apology, because that would quench your creative thirst. They forced us to compete, and that competition has fueled your art for decades. It's so awful, and I'm so sorry.
[Kamilah hesitates, then hugs Tahani back]
Kamilah: They were wankers, weren't they?
Tahani: Ugh! The absolute biggest wankers on Earth!