The Best Kayleigh Quotes

[Evan visits Kayleigh, who has now become a prostitute]
Kayleigh: So, how's tricks? Sorry, occupational humor.
Evan: I got it.

[in the reality where Kayleigh is with Lenny]
Evan: So, do you think it might have worked?
Kayleigh: Yeah... But that's not how things wound up... I'm with Lenny, Lenny is your friend... and that's where it ends.
Evan: Well... Would it make a difference if I told you that no one could possibly ever love anyone as much as I love you?
[Kayleigh looks sympathetic about Evan's feelings]
Evan: ...I'm not saying that, I am just saying it like if you were a girl, would that be something you would want to hear?

Evan: When we were kids, your dad was making a movie about "Robin Hood" or something...
Kayleigh: What do you want to know, Evan?
Evan: Is... Did he... What happened in the basement?
Kayleigh: Look, it was a long time ago. Is that why you came all the way back here? To ask a lot of stupid questions about "Robin Hood"?
Evan: No, I... I just think something really bad might've happened.
Kayleigh: Is there a point to any of this?
Evan: Look... whatever happened, it wasn't our fault, we were kids. I mean, there is nothing that we could do to have deserved or could've done...
Kayleigh: Just shut up, Evan, you're wasting your breath.
Evan: You can't hate yourself because your dad's a twisted freak.
Kayleigh: Who are you trying to convince, Evan? You come all the way back here to stir up my shit just because you have a bad memory? What? Do you want me to just cry on your shoulder and tell you everything's all better now? Well fuck you, Evan. Nothing's all better, okay? Nothing ever gets better. You know, if I was so wonderful Evan, why didn't you call me? Why did you just leave me here to rot?

Kayleigh: Hurry up, I want a quickie before school!

Evan: I just thought that you should know.
Kayleigh: Know what?
Evan: That you were happy once... with me.
Kayleigh: You know there's one major hole in your story, there is no fucking way on this planet, nor any other I would ever be in some fucking sorority.
Evan: [Whispering] You were happy there...

Kayleigh: Nothing's all better, okay? Nothing ever gets better!

Kayleigh: Where'd you learn those new tricks?
Evan: What? It... it wasn't... weird... was it?
Kayleigh: Yeah, if you call multiple orgasms weird!

[last lines]
[director's cut]
Tommy: True happiness can only be achieved through sacrifice, like the sacrifices our parents have made for us to be here today.
Kayleigh: Woo-hoo! Great, Tommy!