The Best Lupe Quotes

Lindsay: Can't you come over and dustbuster or something?
Lupe: I no does Buster anymore!

Michael: I asked you to clean the house and you only did it once.
Lindsay: You didn't even thank me for doing it.
Narrator: She didn't even do it that time but instead intercepted her mother's housekeeper Lupe.
Lindsay: Yoo hoo! I'll take you the rest of the way!
Lupe: [holds up a pair of underwear] Almost done. Yours? Or Meesters?
Lindsay: Meesters.
Narrator: Lupe never accepted a ride from her again.

Tobias: Gob, I would like to be in your trick and there's someone I'd like to put in a plug for. Or... should I say 4,000 plugs?
Gob: [Tobias removes his cap and his hair plugs are bleeding] Oh god...
Lupe: Mister gay is bleeding! Mister gay!

Michael: I'm going to have to start putting people in the trunk.
Narrator: At that very moment, Buster was climbing into the trunk.
Buster: [videotaping himself] Mother, when you see this tape, you will know that I've left. Not out of cowardice, but out of... man, it's tired in here!@
Narrator: Six minutes later, Michael stopped to drop off his mother's housekeeper.
Buster: [Buster climbs out of the trunk] Mexico.
Narrator: In fact, Buster was in Santa Ana, a town six minutes inland from his own, but the combination of losing his glasses and breathing carbon monoxide had impaired Buster's judgement.
Buster: [seeking shelter] This will keep me safe from the hot Mexican sun.
Lupe: Excuse me, what are you doing?
Buster: I'm trying to find a place to live!