The Best Lyle Kilburn Quotes

Lyle: This may look like a country club, Mr. Mannix, but when you're shut up in here, you know it's a prison.
Joe: You seem to be taking it well, Mr. Kilburn.
Lyle: Not getting a lot of sleep lately.
Joe: Why not?
Lyle: My partner's murder. I hear the police think it was a burglar. There are a lot of burglars in here. One of them probably has an ice pick with my name on it.
Joe: Are you telling me that you believe Mark Bradford was a contract hit?
Lyle: A contract with two names on it, Mr. Mannix, Mark Bradford's and mine. The syndicate wants Bradford Hotels International.
Joe: And Bradford wouldn't deal?
Lyle: Neither would I. See, the hotels were more than property to Mark. They were his life. I understood that. I'm not certain he would've chosen to die for them. I know damn well I don't want to.
Joe: I take it you don't have the same sentiments for the hotels that your partner did?
Lyle: No, not really.
Joe: Then you would sell, right?
Lyle: No, Bradford Hotels International is not going to become a worldwide laundry for their tainted money. I gave Mark my solemn word when they made their offer.
Joe: I'd say you have a problem.