The Best Margot Quotes

Lena: You can come out now.
Margot: [emerging from the shadows, gun in hand] Give me the medallion.
Lena: I don't think so.
[Margot fires her weapon, which deflects off an energy barrier]
Lena: I have the most intricate security system in the world. I know all about Leviathan.
Margot: No one knows all about Leviathan. Leviathan is unknowable.
Lena: I'm not afraid.
Margot: [turning to leave] You will be.

Gemma: Please tell the Anointed One the Luthers are right where we want them.
[takes sip of champagne]
Margot: She'll be most pleased.

Rama: Do you know how long that I've been safeguarding this planet?
Margot: Since the beginning.
Rama: And since our ship, as big as an asteroid, wiped out the dinosaurs. Then humanity rose and became a scourge to this planet, and for eons we have kept their destructive behavior at bay, but now... they're ravaging the Earth like never before, and I granted you the privilege of serving our cause, and you failed.
Gamemnae: Is it her failure, Rama Khan? Or is it yours?

Rama: Where's the medallion?
Margot: I... I couldn't retrieve it.
Rama: It was a simple task.
Margot: It would have been simple with any other human, but... she is a Luthor.

J'onn: Wait a minute. These people will all think Lex saved them.
Supergirl: Wasn't Lex the one who put 'em in here?
William: Apparently not. Listen to this.
Margot: [he shows them his phone] Amy Sapphire was right. Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced. I will continue her work by killing people until the world wakes up from its apathy.
William: She was an acolyte of Amy Sapphire's. She'd been kidnapping Obsidian Platinum users for weeks. Took full responsibility. I was sure Lex was behind this.
J'onn: Yeah. We all were.
Supergirl: I don't understand. Lex, a real hero? How could this be true?

Margot: No one knows all about Leviathan. Leviathan is unknowable.
Lena: I'm not afraid.
Margot: You will be.