The Best Mark Jennings Quotes

Alexis: How about dinner tonight, in my hotel?
Mark: I'm not hungry. In fact, Mrs. Colby, when it comes to you, I'm on a diet.

Mark: Fallon, I'd like to kiss you.
Fallon: Mark, don't spoil it.

Krystle: Why are you leaving, Mark? Does it have anything to do with Alexis?
Mark: Oh no, she's a nuisance. Hey! I'm on top of the world, kid. I do know someone who'd like to push me off. But, don't worry, I don't push so easily.

Mark: What was that all about?
Alexis: Call it "balance."
Mark: "Balance." Meaning?
Alexis: Keeping people off it.

Mark: When I heard you tell Carrington that you had never laid eyes on Rashid Ahmed in Hong Kong, I damn near fell off the terrace in laughter.
Alexis: Too bad you didn't.

Alexis: Well, because of that divorce and because of Jeff 's remarriage my daughter is very vulnerable right now and I want you to stay out of her life.
Mark: Just like that?
Alexis: Oh, no. Because of who you are and what you are, like this: I'll pay you anything you want within reason. Then I want you to go.
Mark: [Alexis has her checkbook open and pen poised to write] Put that away. I don't want your money, Alexis.
Alexis: [laughs derisively] How many Alexises have heard that before?
Mark: I don't want it, and that's that.
Alexis: What you want is Fallon? Because you love Fallon?
Mark: That's right, lady.
Alexis: Love? Come off it! You're nothing but a second-rate fortune hunter in tennis shoes.

Mark: [clutching the Mexican divorce decree] I bought this from a lawyer I met in a bar.
Krystle: A bar? You bought our divorce in a bar?

Dex: Alexis and I have a corporation.
Mark: That's right - Dex/Lex or Lex/Dex. Never can remember which one of you's on top.

Mark: You know, somewhere along the line I got the impression that I meant more to you than just another tennis pro. I guess I was wrong.
[Fallon's face struggles to remain expressionless]
Mark: Your mother said you were vulnerable. You are. Like the Rock of Gibraltar!
[Fallon flees up the stairs]

Mark: Look, Krystle, you're with your husband. You're not married to Blake Carrington; you're married to me!... Krystle, our divorce papers were never filed in Mexico. You gotta believe me. This is important to both of us. We were never divorced.

Mark: How about joining me for a drink?
Fallon: I own this place, you know.
Mark: Good. Then it's on you.

Mark: What do they call a woman like you?
Alexis: Smart and intelligent. A woman who always knows exactly what she wants and how to go about getting it.

Mark: Krystle, look, let's go someplace for coffee.
Krystle: Try Brazil!