The Best Marshall Kramer Quotes

Mrs. Kramer: Noah was *shocked* to think that a man he befriended could have hidden such... evil. Noah thought the work they had done together was a mistake and thought it needed to be buried.
Kevin: So do you have anything of Shaw's?
Mrs. Kramer: Oh, no. No, after my husband died, I just couldn't bear going into his office. So I... I hired a company to sell off the furniture and just dump the rest. I told Shaw all of this before he left.
Kevin: What time was that?
Marshall: Around 5:00.
Richard: That's still three and a half hours before he met his murderer.
Kevin: Yeah. Did he mention anything about where he was going next?
Mrs. Kramer: No, but he said something in Latin before he walked away.
Richard: Do you remember what that was? It could be very important.
Mrs. Kramer: Mmm... Finis omnium... I don't know.
Marshall: Nunc est.
Richard: Finis omnium nunc est.
Kevin: "The end is upon us."