The Best Mike Doyle Quotes

Nadia: [after introducing Doyle to Bradley] he was involved rescuing Ms. Raines, do you have a diagnosis?
Doctor: My preliminary is she is a Type 3 Catatonic: capable of following simple commands or repeating basic words and phrases but otherwise utterly unresponsive
Nadia: Do you think we'll be able to get the information we need from her?
Doctor: Not within your time frame: not without intervention
Mike: What does that mean?
Doctor: Ms. Raines is suffering from severe psychological abuse amplified by pharma logical agents as evidenced by more than one hundred injection sites in her arms, feet, and groin. It's going to be next to impossible to communicate with her in the near term unless we essentially try to shock her out of this state
Mike: So they used drugs to torture her and you're going to give her more?
Doctor: These are different compounds sir, used for different reasons
Nadia: What are the risks?
Doctor: Twenty two percent of the patients experience cardiovascular events. Some of it are neurological, extreme cases death could occur
Mike: [to Nadia] we can't do this
Doctor: I am not comfortable with the high percentage of adverse reactions either but this treatment is the only way you're going to get anything out of her in the time frame you have
Mike: Maybe not: one of our agents Jack Bauer has a long history with her and the Chinese put him through something similar
Mike: [to Nadia] if it makes sense to you, let's see what Jack can draw from her before we do anything riskier
Nadia: Doctor?
Doctor: I know who Jack Bauer is, I've read Ms. Raines' file on my over and in my opinion contact with her will more likely upset her than encourage her to talk
Mike: [to Bradley] but there's no chance of her dying from it
Mike: [to Nadia] let's give Jack a chance with her
Doctor: With all due respect, it's not your call Ms. Yassir, District has formally placed Ms. Raines in my custody and granted me authority to determine appropriate treatment

Mike: [after she enters his office] have a seat. Look I know you and I got off on kind of a "bad start"
Nadia: A "bad start"? You assaulted me
Mike: This country is under attack by Islamic terrorists: we had reason to believe there was a mole in this building. Starting with you wasn't "racist", it was "common sense"
Nadia: [Sarcastically] oh ok, you're not a racist, your just a sadist
Mike: You don't know me
Nadia: I think I do. Why'd you call me here?
Mike: Turns out, there was no mole: the terrorists were able to hack into our system because "someone" screwed up and logged wrong security parameters. I'm pretty sure that "someone" was Milo, and the "proof" is on his computer, I need someone to get it without noticing
Nadia: I can't do that
Mike: Why? Is it because your too busy deciding whether you want to sleep with him? Listen, if you don't get the "evidence" for me, I'm going to call a forensic team and they're going to come and tear his system apart as the entire floor watches and they find what I think they're going to find, everyone gets to watch Milo get hauled out of this building in handcuffs. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant when it happened to you but you're going to "stand by" and watch it happen to him? That's your idea of being a "friend"
Nadia: [Stands up] so you want me to betray him for his own good?
Mike: I promise you, Milo will be better off if you help me, than if you don't, your call

Mike: [Doyle is about to take Jack into custody without Jack's knowledge] CTU wants us to take 70 instead.
Jack: Fine.
[Pulls a gun and aims it to Doyle's head]
Jack: Don't you move.
Mike: Jack, what's the problem?
Jack: Earlier today, I shot my old partner, a friend of mine, because he tried to stop me from doing what I had to do. Don't think for a second I won't do that to you. Slowly, I want you to pull over, now.

Bill: [while entering the conference room] alright, I want to introduce everyone to Mike Doyle: his the new head of Field Ops just in from Fort Bragg. I want all tactical and COMM agents to report to him directly. Jack Bauer is currently being held captive in the Russian Consulate, I haven't opened up that information to anyone on the outside. Doyle will help you put a tactical profile together for an assault on the Consulate
Milo: So we're prepared to provoke an international incident just to "liberate" one of our own operatives?
Mike: No, "liberating" Jack is a secondary goal: our "primary" objective is to abduct Anatoly Markov, the Consul. Now according to Jack, Markov knows how to find Gredenko who controls the remaining three suitcase nukes
Milo: Excuse me. Is nobody worried that this can be considered an "act of war" against the Russians?
Bill: Ultimately, it's the Vice-President's decision, if we go in or not. If Jack is right and Markov is working with Gredenko, the Russians will have to back down
Chloe: [after entering the conference room] Sir, Logan is ready for you
Bill: [to Chloe] thank you
Bill: [to everyone, while leaving] I want a comprehensive search profile on my desk ASAP
Mike: Who has the control keys for the main servers?
Nadia: I do
Mike: Bracket the scenarios into three, I want projected outcomes based on different levels of personnel
Milo: [to Doyle] "Normally" when we run a general attack assessment...
Mike: [Interrupts him] I don't care what you "normally" do and I wasn't speaking to you, I was talking with her
Milo: Yeah, it was so weird I had this "thought" that you might come here and not be a jerk, like you were in Denver but you are
Mike: That's right, just like Denver
Mike: [to everyone] let's get to work

Josh: [while in a helicopter] where are you taking me? I thought we were going back to CTU?
Mike: I'm sorry
Josh: You're sorry for what? What's going on? Does this have to do with my grandpa?
Mike: His got "something" we need, "something" that will stop a war: so we have to go through "the motions" of handing you over to him
Josh: Meaning you're not actually going to do it?
Mike: Meaning as soon as we get what we need from him, we're going to recover you. We have two TACT teams and LAPD at the rendezvous site
Mike: [while taking out the device] this is a locating device: so we're going to be tracking you until we get the green light on your recovery operation. Look, I understand your scared, I would be too but I will get you back

Mike: [During a briefing] we've got ground teams on all roads leading out of the Shadow Valley looking for Fayed and Gredenko but with SAT support dedicated to finding the drone, there's not much to go on
Milo: And CALTRANS doesn't have any cameras set up in the outlining areas
Chloe: [while entering the room with her laptop] Mr. Buchanan, we figured out how the drone was able to stay hidden from our satellite: whoever is piloting is able to anticipate our repositioning directives, flying through the gaps in the images
Bill: How could he do that?
Chloe: The satellite data is being relayed to the drone pilot from a work station here: we have a "leak"
Bill: One of our own people?
Chloe: Looks that way
Mike: Can you isolate the work station?
Chloe: No, it's being "masked" through a sub circuit. Morris is working on it now but there are over fifty stations in this building, it could take an hour to do a signature trace
Bill: We don't have an hour
Mike: [to Chloe] run a trace match on Nadia Yassir's station
Milo: [to Doyle] Why Nadia?
Mike: Do it
Milo: You think because she's a Muslim...
Mike: [Interrupts him] I'm following standard protocol: she's already "tagged" and been given restricted clearance
Mike: [Sternly to Milo] and yeah, she is a Muslim. That's enough to go on, everyone here is thinking it, even if they won't say it
Milo: [Points his finger at him] your racist
Bill: Milo, I understand your "distaste", we have to "vet" every system in the building, there's no reason not to start with her
Milo: No, sir, there's every reason. Nadia Yassir is one hundred percent loyal to this country, she is not a terrorist
Mike: Is this assessment based on some "private knowledge"? Or is it your "itching" to sleep with her?
Bill: [Yells to them after Milo and Mike grab each other, preventing them from fighting] alright, that's enough
Bill: [to Doyle] that was way out of line
Bill: [to Milo and Mike] we don't have time for your "personal differences." We have to find out whose subverting our system
Chloe: [after checking on her computer] it is Nadia. The signature trace matches her computer
Mike: Shut down her work station

Mike: "And mankind was naught but a single nation"
Nadia: [Surprised] you've read the Quran?
Mike: And the Bible, and the Upanishads: anything I can get my hands on. You're lucky you found your answers, I'm still looking for mine

Mike: [Before uncuffing Jack] get over here
Jack: What'd he say?
Mike: Buchanan said the President "signed off" on this and to give you whatever "help" you need
Jack: I'm going to need someone to help me with Audrey's extraction during the exchange. I want that to be you
Mike: Fine, where are you going to be?
Jack: The name of the Chinese agent that was holding Audrey is Cheng Zhi, he was responsible for my interrogation and torture for almost two years in a Chinese prison. As soon as I get the signal from you that Audrey's safe two things are going to happen: I'm going to destroy that circuit board and Cheng Zhi isn't going to make it out of there alive. To answer your question where am I going to be? Wherever I have to. Let's go

Mike: [Looks around at dead terrorists, including Abu Fayed] Damn, Jack.

Mike: [In an interrogation room] I'm going to ask you again, help me put an end to this
Mike: [as she is silent, grabs her throat] I'm warning you, I will do what's "necessary" to get the answers I need. do you understand me?
Nadia: [after he lets go of her throat] I understand everything, I read your file. I know what you did in Denver: you enjoy hurting people. You "get off" from it
Mike: We're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about what you know
Nadia: [Raises her voice, before he pulls the back of her hair] I don't know anything
Milo: [Enters the room] get away from her Doyle. I said let her go
Mike: [Let's go of Nadia's hair, to Milo] what the hell are you doing?
Milo: We got the drone pilot's location through Nadia's computer
Mike: Where is it?
Milo: Three blocks from here: 15-30 Hill Crest
Mike: [while leaving the room] we're not through with her Milo
Milo: Are you ok?
Nadia: [Nods] you know I didn't have anything to do with this