30 Best Curtis Manning Quotes

James: So this Marianne Taylor "claims", she has to access the file personally?
Curtis: Yes
James: And you believe her?
Curtis: I'm not sure: the polygraph indicates she's telling the truth but in my opinion, she maybe a sociopath
James: Are you a psychologist?
Curtis: No but I've had dealings with her before
James: Dealings that might affect your judgment?
Curtis: No
James: Well, we have to check it out: the question is how
Erin: I can spare an operative from the cyber unit and security team
James: [to Audrey] what'd you think?
Audrey: I think Curtis should go
Erin: I need Curtis here
Audrey: The information on the computer file may be important, someone with experience needs to examine it first hand
James: [to Erin] send Curtis with a security team and you'll have to figure out how to do without him until he gets back
Erin: Yes sir

Curtis: [after entering the conference room] excuse me Mr. Secretary, I'm going to have to interrupt you
James: What is it?
Curtis: This is Edgar Stiles, our chief analyst: his requesting access to the kernels of the power plants?
James: My understanding is that no one is to manipulate those kernels while the plants are online
Edgar: Yes, but there is a way to do it if your careful. I had to stay away from the precompiled headers while I was putting a software lock on the Dobson Override code. But the chances of causing a load imbalance...
James: [Raises his hand, interrupting him] I don't understand one thing you're talking about: just tell me what the "downside" is if the kernels are disrupted because of your manipulation?
Edgar: [Before sighing] if I make a mistake, I can accelerate a core meltdown in some of the reactors
Edgar: [after Driscoll and Heller are silent] this is probably a bad idea maybe we shouldn't do it
James: But if you're successful, you can gain control of the reactors?
Erin: Edgar, what we need to know is if you can do this without making a mistake?
Edgar: [after looking down] yeah I can do it
James: You're not filling me with confidence
Edgar: I'm just a little nervous: if I say "I can do it"? I can do it

Curtis: [During a CTU meeting] Tony Almeida is being medevacd in. I have a trauma team standing by to receive him in Medical
Edgar: You're bringing him into CTU?
Bill: If there's a second attempt on his life, we can't protect him in a hospital
Curtis: This is the track: Michelle and Tony have been inactive for over a year, who would want them dead?
Bill: Whoever wanted Palmer Dead
Curtis: So we're assuming their connected?
Bill: The timing is too close to write it off as a coincidence. There is a connection: let's find it

Curtis: [after walking into her office] what'd you need?
Erin: I just got off the phone with Marianne Taylor
Curtis: Whatever she told you, it's coming from a very "disturbed" place
Erin: That may be but she's as qualified as any of the others you've brought in today
Curtis: I'm not comfortable working with her: that should be enough for you
Erin: Normally it would be however she mentioned your pillow talk included a synopsis of the new data mining protocols
Curtis: That's a lie, if she got that information, it was from someone else. Now she's using it against me
Erin: She knows details about the new UVX system, that's classified information. She can force us into a Section One security reboot and drag us in a six month long investigation
Curtis: I don't believe this
Erin: I asked her to come in: deal with it. Do you have the results of Secretary Heller's son yet?
Curtis: Yeah, polygraph makes it clear he didn't have any "knowing" involvement in his father's kidnapping
Erin: But?
Curtis: His still insisting he didn't tell anyone his father was coming to his house this morning. The polygraph was inconclusive on that claim
Erin: You think his lying?
Curtis: It's possible. Richard is the only one who knew where his father would be this morning, he may have told someone about it
Erin: Why would Richard protect someone who's betrayed him?
Curtis: Because his too arrogant to believe that's what happened
Erin: It'll take days to go through his phone records, I want you to see if you can get a name out of him "another way"
Curtis: What'd you mean?
Erin: [Referring to torturing him] you know what I mean
Curtis: We're not even sure if his guilty of anything
Erin: This is how we'll find out. Get started

President: [Through video conference] I understand we've been able to shut down ninety eight nuclear power plants?
James: Yes Sir but as of now it appears that our shutdown order will not be effective with the six remaining reactors
President: "Not going to be effective"? What exactly does that mean?
James: I'm afraid it means that we could have six nuclear disasters on our hands
President: What are the casualty projections if all six plants meltdown?
Curtis: Four hundred fifty four thousand deaths in the first twenty four hours: long range estimates are in the lone millions and that's not taking into account the resulting cancers and birth defects
President: Why were we able to shut down the other power plants and not these remaining six?
Erin: Because their still being controlled by the terrorists Sir
President: You mean because of the Override device they stole today?
Erin: Exactly: we have to find the Override device itself. It's a prototype and the terrorists have the only one in the world
President: Alright, then let's find it. I'm going to give the order of evacuation of those six cities. Jim, keep me posted
James: Yes. Mr. President

Mara: Sorry we have to bring you in like this
Jack: It's alright, I understand
Mara: A year and a half: how'd you manage to stay "invisible" for so long?
Jack: Apparently, I wasn't as "invisible as I should've been
Curtis: [after answering her phone] put Bauer on
Mara: [while handing Jack her phone] it's Agent Manning
Jack: Yeah?
Curtis: You said the suspect was hiding among the hostages?
Jack: Yeah right up until the assault began: somewhere around ten thirty, they were looking for an exit
Curtis: What exit was closest?
Jack: Without an alarm? Between gate six and seven
Curtis: [Before hanging up] thanks

Jack: [Returning to the interrogation room] how'd you get here so fast?
David: What?
Jack: Who asked you to represent Mr. Prado?
David: I don't have to give you that information
Jack: [to Curtis while looking at Weiss] from the time of his arrest, did the suspect have the time to call a lawyer?
Curtis: No

Curtis: Tell me everything you know about Paul Raines
Marianne: Why?
Curtis: What's his connection to all of this?
Marianne: How should I know? I "wish" I knew something you could use: believe me, I'm quite clear it's my only way out of this but I don't know anymore about Paul Raines than you do
Curtis: Raines' part in this is being investigated as we speak, if your name turns up linked in any way...
Marianne: [Interrupts him] it won't, I'm going to do everything I can to find something on Powell's computer that help you. Maybe something on Paul Raines will be on there

Richard: [In an interrogation room] when can I get out of here?
Curtis: Who else knew your father would be at your house this morning?
Richard: I told you, no one
Richard: [after seeing Eric prepares an injection needle] what're you crazy?
Curtis: It works on the neurotransmitter level: it makes every nerve ending on your body feels like its on fire
Richard: Your bluffing, you know you can't get away with this
Curtis: By the time you're released the mark on your arm will be gone. It'll be just your word against mine
Richard: My father's the Secretary of Defense for God's sake
Curtis: I thought you hated him? Now his "dear old dad"

Behrooz: [while in an interrogation room as Tony watches in the monitoring room] how much longer do I have to stay here?
Curtis: These things take time
Behrooz: Where is my mother?
Curtis: She's still in the field
Behrooz: With Jack Bauer? Is she ok?
Curtis: Yeah, she's fine
Curtis: [after grabbing him out of the chair and pushing against the wall] tell me about Habib Marwan
Behrooz: Why are you doing this?
Curtis: [Sitting him back down in the chair] Habib Marwan, your mother gave us a little information: she said you can give us more
Behrooz: You promised me you wouldn't hurt me
Behrooz: [Turns head to face the one way mirror] please get this guy away from me
Curtis: [Telling Behrooz to face him] over here: we're just going to have a little talk
Behrooz: Marwan's the leader, that's all I know. I heard my parents talk about him, that's it

Erin: Briefing in five minutes: County just reported Andrew Paige has been taken into the ER in very critical condition
Curtis: Paige? The programmer Jack went to go pick up?
Erin: That's not all. The bodies of two unidentified Middle Eastern men were found at the site: gunshot wounds
Curtis: Bauer must've done that to save the kid?
Erin: It's getting out of control. We lose an agent and one of our only witnesses have been disabled
Curtis: What about the hostile and Bauer?
Erin: Still at large
Curtis: We have less than three hours before Heller is executed in front of the country. Maybe we shouldn't concentrate everything on Bauer? Pursue other leads?
Erin: Except for Heller's son, we have no other leads. I want all tactical teams on finding Bauer and the hostile
Curtis: You got it

Audrey: Have you heard anything on Jack?
Curtis: Yeah, we just got some information couple minutes ago
Audrey: Why didn't you let me know?
Curtis: I'm sorry but things are going pretty fast here. Jack's alive, he is being held by Marwan
Audrey: How did you confirm that?
Curtis: Marwan contacted us
Audrey: He contacted you? Why would he do that?
Curtis: He wants to make a trade, Jack for Behrooz
Audrey: When is that going to happen?
Curtis: We don't know if it is going to happen
Audrey: What'd you mean?
Curtis: If "he" wants to make this trade, that means Behrooz has tactical value. If that's the case we may have to hold onto him, there's a lot of stuff we have to go over before anything happens. I'll keep you posted but right now I have to get in that room with Behrooz alright?

Jack: [Over the phone] I'm in position: how much longer until you're ready to move in?
Curtis: At least half an hour. We're still transferring people from the summit
Jack: Negative, that's too long, you need to advance your attack
Curtis: We can't, we're just not ready
Jack: [Referring to Derek] their going to kill that kid
Curtis: I heard that woman Diane's side of the conversation
Jack: This has nothing to do with her, these people are going to continue to kill hostages until the summit deadline
Curtis: We can't risk the lives of all those hostages for this one kid: you know that
Jack: I'm not going to jeopardize the mission, just tell your men to hurry
Curtis: They will

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] when you said your father spoke to Marwan, was that over the phone? Or did he come to your house?
Behrooz: Both
Curtis: Did you ever speak to Marwan alone? Away from your parents?
Behrooz: No
Curtis: When they would meet preparing for today's attacks, were you in the room?
Behrooz: I told you, they didn't want me in there

Jack: [Over the phone] I'm less than two minutes out: have you worked up the rescue approach?
Curtis: We're running scenarios based on the schematics
Jack: What are the probabilities of finding the Secretary and his daughter in the compound?
Curtis: Our analysts looked at everything, the data's fuzzy but our best guess is at their at the west end of the building
Jack: Together or separate?
Curtis: We don't know that yet
Jack: Ok, we're going to have to activate a "team split", one for the Secretary and one for his daughter
Curtis: We discussed that but it was rejected
Jack: What're you talking about?
Jack: It comes directly from the President: once we go in strong, they'll be very little time to secure the hostages. Our only priority is to get Heller
Jack: That doesn't make sense
Curtis: [Before hanging up] I don't like it anymore than you do but those are the orders

Audrey: Any word from Jack or Paul?
Curtis: No, once the pulse bomb went off, we lost all communication with them
Audrey: What was the last word from them?
Curtis: Jack and Paul found something: it seems it must've been incriminating McLennan-Forrester
Audrey: That's why they set off the EMP? To destroy the evidence?
Curtis: That'd be my guess
Audrey: It just doesn't make sense, the fact that McLennan-Forrester is taking aggressive action is evidence against them
Curtis: Yeah, but it's not proof
Audrey: [Walking over to him to talk more privately] could Jack or Paul have been injured from the detonation?
Curtis: No, any EMP only damages electronics but it doesn't mean they're safe

Curtis: [Briefing CTU staff] alright, here's what we have: a known terrorist named Tomas Sherek managed to get into the country undetected. We believe there is a likelihood Sherek organized a train attack in Santa Clarita, if he did his going to get out of the country as fast as he can
Erin: Which means we have a small window of opportunity here, who's covering airports and customs?
Edgar: [Raises his hand] I am, I've issued a mandate to LAX, Long Beach, and Ontario
Chloe: [to Edgar] as usual we can't hear you also where's your laptop incase you need to pull data?
Edgar: I'm sorry, I'll speak up and I don't need my laptop I have everything memorized: what I was saying is I contacted all the airports and asked them to add another layer of security
Erin: Do we have any local contacts for Sherek?
Sarah: I'm looking into those now
Erin: Alright, promote everything we receive up to Division. let's find Sherek before he leaves the city, let's go

Marianne: [During interrogation] I wanna call my lawyer.
Curtis: Really?
Marianne: I do have rights.
Curtis: Yeah? Henry Powell had rights too.
Marianne: I don't know any Henry Powell.
Curtis: The one who helped the terrorists obtain the override. He's right here. Wanna say "hello"?
[Powell's dead body is wheeled into the room]
Marianne: Are you sick? You sick bastard.
Curtis: CTU didn't kill him.
Marianne: Well, then who did?
Curtis: The same people who planted the bomb under your car. Whoever they are, they've caught up to you. If I let you go, you'd be dead in 15 minutes.
Curtis: [Powell's body is wheeled out of the room] Your only chance to survive is to tell us what you know.
Marianne: I want a deal.
Curtis: You get to live, that's your deal.

Curtis: It's good to see you, I'm sorry for what you were put through, I'm glad your back
Jack: Thanks
Curtis: And now you have to work with Assad. Doesn't that bother you? The man's a terrorist: responsible for hundreds maybe thousands of innocent lives in the past twenty years: does that mean anything to you?
Jack: I don't know what anything means anymore. I spent my whole life defending this country against people like Assad: now his trying to disarm his people and renounce terrorism. The playing field's changed
Jack: It doesn't change Assad's past: we have to make sure that he pays for the crimes his committed
Jack: He's our only chance at a peaceful resolution to all of this. That might not happen. Anyway, that's not our call to make
Curtis: I see
Jack: What's that suppose to mean?
Curtis: Nothing

Edgar: [Referring to surveillance footage, during a CTU briefing] preliminary analysis indicates the video hasn't been doctored
Bill: And means Jack was in the building as the sniper fired from at the same time President Palmer was assassinated
Audrey: That's impossible: this whole thing is impossible. Bill you were there when Jack was shot. He had no pulse, no vitals
Bill: And I have no idea how Jack staged his own death but I understand his reasons, he was about to be handed to the Chinese government to spend the rest of his life in prison
Audrey: None of that explains why Jack would want to kill David Palmer
Bill: I had Curtis pull the phone logs. Palmer, Tony, Michelle, were all talking to Jack right when he was supposedly "killed". Our working theory is that they conspired to help Jack fake his own death
Audrey: Now you're saying Jack is behind the attack on Tony and Michelle too?
Audrey: [after Bill nods] why would Jack want to kill the people who helped him?
Curtis: "Something" may have happened: he stopped trusting them to keep his secret
Audrey: Jack would never murder his friends
Bill: Audrey, I don't want to believe Jack did this either but right now it's the best explanation for the evidence we have, I'm sorry. The White House needs to know about this
Audrey: [Before walking away] yeah, I'll call the President
Curtis: [to Bill] I had Adamson run a data recovery operation on Tony's phone records: they show Chloe was on those calls with President Palmer and Tony
Edgar: Chloe knew Jack was alive?
Curtis: Apparently
Bill: [Looking at his watch] we called her in an ago. She should've been here by now
Edgar: [to Bill] I tried to call her on her cell but she's not answering. I wanted to run a locator but Spencer talked me out of it
Edgar: [to Spencer] if anything happens to her it's your fault
Bill: [to Spencer] have Adamson track her cell: we need to try to get to her before Jack does
Bill: [to everyone] put out an interagency alert, Jack Bauer is now the prime suspect in President Palmer's assassination, emphasize that his a former agent, well trained, and should be considered extremely dangerous

James: Your son was in sensory deprivation for a total of two and a half hours
James: What did he say when you took him off it?
Curtis: Nothing
James: You tortured my son for almost three hours and ended up yielding nothing?
Curtis: You gave the order sir
Richard: [after entering the interrogation room] I'm sorry this had to happen but we had to make sure you weren't withholding anything from us
Richard: I hate you, I never want to see you again
James: Please understand that I am responsible for the lives of millions of people
Richard: [Facing away from him] you torture me and now you want me to forgive you? Just confirms everything I ever knew about you, am I free to leave?
James: Yes

Curtis: CTU had been compromised!

Lynn: [Rushing into the conference room] stop the assault
Bill: [to Audrey] get Curtis on the horn
Bill: [to Lynn] what're you talking about?
Lynn: Their walking into a trap: look at the transcript
Lynn: [after opening his laptop] when Jack issued the command directive, he used the term "flank two"
Bill: Yes, he was trying to give us his position inside the terminal
Lynn: No, he wasn't, "flank two" is a duress code used to indicate the agent is communicating under duress
Bill: We ran Jack's calls through a protocol filter: if there'd been a duress signal in there, we would've found it
Lynn: You filtered it through the current codes. When Jack was active, "flank two" is a duress code
Bill: [to Chloe] run that
Lynn: Jack's trying to tell us his being used to send misinformation. If Cutis Manning's team goes in now, they'll be ambushed
Chloe: [after checking their filters] his right
Bill: [Over the speakerphone] Curtis, abort the countdown, repeat, abort, abort
Curtis: Stand down, all teams stand down. We're aborting entry, confirm we're standing down. What's wrong Bill?
Bill: We detected a duress code in Jack's call: we have to assume the terrorists are feeding him the information he gave us. Redeploy your men to the original assault plan, and do not contact Jack, if Jack contacts you, buy time

Curtis: [Briefing CTU staff on a monitor] the warhead was stolen here: in eastern Iowa, we don't know yet how it's being transported
Bill: Are we monitoring air traffic?
Curtis: Yes, so far nothing's been picked up
Tony: If they have to stay on the ground, how far could they have gone?
Curtis: Based on our latest information, a three hundred mile radius which includes three metropolitan cities
Tony: Have those cities been alerted?
Bill: The President wants to keep that information restricted for the time being
Curtis: We have raised local alert levels, we haven't mentioned specifics
Bill: Marwan and his people have control of a nuclear warhead. We have to figure out when and where he'll set it off. I want you to look at everything: from satellite to local police, we have a small window. It's still in the middle of the night, if Marwan leaves a trail, it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to follow it now than in two hours when people start going to work. Let's get to it

Jack: [Talking privately] listen up, the Chinese consul was shot and killed during Lee's extraction
Curtis: How? We never got a shot off
Jack: I know, I know. It must've been friendly fire, we've got to make sure all of our alibis cross check. No one outside of this operation is to know we were anywhere near the Chinese Consulate understood?
Howard: [to Jack] what's going to happen? Are we going to be brought in on this?
Jack: I don't know yet: all I do know is now the Consul's been killed, everything has changed. It's our responsibility the United States government is never implicated in this operation
Curtis: [to Jack] don't worry, everyone here gets it
Jack: [to Curtis] ok, you advise the rest of the team
Curtis: You got it

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] how long do you think it's been?
Richard: What?
Curtis: How long do you think you've been sitting here like this?
Richard: Three, four hours
Curtis: It's been less than thirty minutes: time is the first thing you lose track of in sensory disorientation then it only gets worse
Richard: This is illegal, you can't keep me here
Curtis: You'll be here until you tell me what I need to know
Richard: I told you everything I know
Curtis: Your father's been kidnapped by terrorists, our polygraph analysis tells us your hiding something that might help us find him, just tell me what it is and all this stops
Richard: You're not going to do this
Curtis: [Before continuing the sensory disorientation torture] if you don't care enough about your father, tell me what I need to know, I'll get it out of you this way

Marianne: [after greeting Erin] I'm very excited to have this opportunity to help you here
Marianne: Hello Curtis
Curtis: Marianne,
Erin: Curtis, take Marianne to an empty station and get her started on the data sorts
Curtis: Let's go
Curtis: [Showing her where her station is] you'll be working over here
Marianne: You know Curtis, I didn't want to go over your head but you left me no choice
Curtis: Is that so?
Erin: I'll let it go if you will
Curtis: [Sternly] get to work Marianne

David: [while in an interrogation room with Curtis standing nearby] who are you?
Jack: My name is Jack Bauer, I'm with the Department of Defense, and you are?
David: [Stands up, handing him his business card] David Weiss: Amnesty Global
Jack: [to Curtis, while looking at his watch] why is the suspect not in his restraints?
Curtis: Amnesty Global's orders supersedes our authority
David: [to Jack] my client is cooperating: his not trying to go anywhere, all he wants to be treated like any other US citizen
Jack: Your client aided and abetted the people who attacked the President of the United States today
David: You don't know that
Jack: As a matter of fact we do
David: Then charge him
Jack: May I speak with you privately?

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] who did you and Powell work for?
Marianne: I don't know, I only dealt with him
Curtis: Why did he send you to CTU?
Marianne: To cover his tracks in case it became necessary
Curtis: And after Audrey Raines saw him at the warehouse, it became "necessary"?
Marianne: Yeah
Curtis: Did Powell work directly for the terrorists? Or someone associated with the terrorists?
Marianne: I told you, I don't know
Curtis: I need names: people who can get us the Override
Marianne: I don't have any names, I can get them for you
Curtis: How?
Marianne: Powell kept a file on his computer: in his office downtown. it was an "insurance policy," incase either of us needed a bargaining chip
Curtis: Give me the address and the access code
Marianne: It can't be accessed externally, it requires a thumb print identification, either his or mine. Since his dead, it has to be mine

Curtis: [after seeing Jack hand Assad a file folder] what's the document?
Jack: [Talking privately] I wanted to talk to you about it before it was executed, I didn't think it would happen this fast: we made a deal with Assad
Curtis: Who's "we"?
Jack: The United States government. Personally authorized by the President, Assad will receive a pardon, in exchange for his full cooperation which he has given us
Curtis: In other words, "he walks"
Jack: Like I told the President, it's not my call. It's not your call either. The responsibility lies with him alone: it's out of our hands
Curtis: [Nods] alright, if that's the way it has to be