The Best Mike November Quotes

Mike: [sarcastically about mining and satellites] The mind of Jack Ryan.
James: A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

Mike: You guys married?
James: Divorced.
Jack: Single.
Mike: ...All right, great talk.

Mike: [to Ryan] You know, you keep going at it alone, that's how you're going to end up. Alone.

Mike: Do you have any idea what it means to be on a team?
James: Mike, if I may, I've worked with Ryan. Is he an ass? Yes. But does that make him wrong? No, it doesn't.

Mike: I'm gonna get so much shit for this. Probably get reassigned to Djibouti.
Jack: You'll like Djibouti. It's known for its beaches.

Mike: You know, I can think of 17 different ways this plan of yours could go wrong.
Jack: Just 17?