The Best Milo Janus Quotes

Milo: What the hell gives you the right, Columbo?
Columbo: This, sir. This is a warrant. This gives me the right.

Milo: My markup is very small. But I have to maintain quality. That's what gives me control.

Milo: He won't find anything, and in eight months I'm going to be in my villa overlooking the Adriatic with two million in Swiss francs to keep me warm.

Milo: One more thing, Lieutenant. Those cigars you smoke... they're gonna kill you.
Columbo: [out of breath from jogging behind Milo] Uh, yes sir, that's about how I feel right now.

Milo: Buddy is as honest as I am.
[vouching for employee with a criminal record of fraud attempting to cover up the murder he committed]

Columbo: I stopped by your place. Your housekeeper told me you were down here swimming.
Milo: Twenty minutes a day. You ought to try it, Columbo.
Columbo: No, I'm afraid not, sir. I can't swim. I don't even like a deep tub.

Milo: That's enough, Columbo! I'm tired of your accusations and your innuendos.

Milo: Every cent I make I reinvest into the company. When I make money, you make money.

Milo: [Ruth, angry that Milo has made a pass at her, starts to leave the restaurant] Where you going?
Ruth: Out!
[She throws a glass of wine in Milo's face]

Milo: You know something, Columbo? You're a devious man.
Columbo: That's what they tell me.

Jessica: [after Milo leans in to kiss her... and she enjoys it] You know, there's one thing that bothers me about you.
Milo: What's that?
Jessica: You're a little unsure of yourself.
Milo: I'm very unsure. But I'm encouraged by your response.