The Best Moro Quotes

Moro: Ah, you're awake. I was hoping you'd cry out in your sleep, then I would have bitten your head off to silence you.

Moro: [dying words] Ashitaka... Can you save the girl you love...?

Boar: We are here to kill the humans and save the forest. Why are there humans here, Moro?
Moro: Humans are everywhere these days. Go back to your own mountain. Kill them there. The girl is San, my daughter.
Boar: We will kill them here. We will save this forest. What is that other human doing here?
San,: He was shot, and then the Great Spirit healed his wound. This man is not our enemy!

Moro: [about Ashitaka] You know, that boy wanted to share his life with you.
San,: [burying her face in her fur] I hate him! I hate all humans!

San,: [seeing the humans cutting down trees] Why chop the trees down?
Moro: [about the boars] To make them angry. Which makes them stupid.

Moro: Now leave this place at sunrise. Return, and I shall kill you.

Boar: The Forest Spirit saved *him?* Saved the life of this loathsome runt? Why didn't he save Nago? Is he not the guardian of the forest? Why?
Moro: The Forest Spirit gives life and takes life away. Life and death are his alone. Or have you boars forgotten than?
Boar: *You lie!* You must have begged the Forest Spirit to spare his life! But you did not beg for Nago, did you?
Moro: Nago was afraid to die. Now, I too, carry within my breast a poisoned human bullet. Nago fled, and the darkness took him. I remain, and contemplate my death.
San,: Mother, please ask the Forest Spirit to save you!
Moro: I have lived long enough, San. Soon, the Great Forest Sprit will let me rest forever.
San,: All these years, you've defended the Forest Spirit! He *must* save you!
Boar: You are not fooling us! Nago was beautiful and strong! He would not have run from anything! You wolves must have eaten him!
San,: Quiet! Watch what you say, you filthy pig!