The Best Mr. Robot, Season 4, Episode 1 Quotes

- Seventh floor, to the right of the elevator.
- Thank you.

- and she can't hide from what's coming for her!
- You hear me?
- You hear me?
- Do you hear me?
- Say something.
- Goodbye, friend.

- Stop fucking around, man.
- We don't have a lot of time.
- Give me the name.
- John garcin.
- Where can I find him?
- I don't have the address on me, I...
- I gotta go back to my office.

- I'm exhausted.
- Butwe let this go, it'll be back to business as usual for whiterose and her friends.
- The more she gets away with this, the worse this gets.
- So, fuck my feelings.
- I'm done with the therapy sessions.

Freddy: Tell me you love me.
- I love you.
- Okay. Maybe... stand up, turn around, and say it again.
Young: You want me to stand up?
Freddy: Yeah.

- But he does.
- This does not feel right to me. E corp owns the building.
- They own half of Manhattan.
- We stick to the plan.
- Mr. Robot: And right now, Elliot needs you more than he lets on.
- Because when that cold, brutal reality closes in on us, we're gonna need a friend.
- And that's still what you are, right?

- Right now, Freddy.
- Freddy, you need to keep moving.
- Hello?
- Just don't send that video to my kids.
- Freddy!
- Freddy?

- Get out. Get out.
- Get the fuck out right now!
- Everybody, out!
- Out! Get the fuck out!
- Go! Get the fuck out!
- Get the fuck out!

- Look at the time,
- I gotta get to bed.
- I'm seeing Dr. Passante in the morning for that thing on my neck.
- Dom, hon...
- Why don't you help Janice carry out the leftovers?
- It's just some macaroni.
- Dominique, don't embarrass me.
- Go on and help.

Elliot: Go straight to the 42nd street exit and wait for my call.
- Don't stop, don't turn around.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- You're leaving me?
Elliot: If they see us together, we're both dead.
- Come on.

- Shut up. We can expose her.
- We can tell everyone what she showed me.
- Shut up! Shut up.
- No. I won't.
- And ifyou're not gonna help me, I'm gonna do it on my own.
- And there is nothing you can do or say to stop me.

- Right now, it seems like a fucking lot, okay?
- Take a breath, Freddy.
- We're gonna get through this.
- Wait a second.
- Where are you, anyway?
- As far as you're concerned,
- I'm everywhere.
- What does that even mean?
- It means
- I own the entire station.

- Mr. Robot: If this goes sideways, we don't have enough information to break this guy.
Elliot: We're just gonna own his Wi-Fi.
- That'll grab us whatever we need without him knowing.
- Is it just me, or is this the quietest building in all of Manhattan?

- Now, you get that rest we talked about.
- You got a big day tomorrow.
- Oh, and, would you thank your mom for me for the macaroni?

- By next week, whiterose will ship her project.
- We'll be dead.
- I'm not gonna argue that with you.
- Freddy could have saved us a lot of time if his brains weren't splattered all over 42nd street right now.
- He had it coming. They all do.

- Fold it into a ball, make a fist, toss it in the case.
- Don't stop, keep going. Make a right, and head to the tracks.
- Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, that's my money!
- Mr. Robot: Track 19, last car on the right.
Freddy: So, you have been following me, haven't you?
- No. I've been waiting...
- For you on the train.

- "If it weren't for their data recovery and their ecoin loan program,
- "we wouldn't be enjoying the turnaround we 're experiencing right now."
- A quote from the chair of the federal reserve seems to echo public opinion.
- Sometimes, the good guys really do come out on top.
Freddy: All right.

- If we don't get out of here,
- I'm not gonna be the one you need to worry about.
- You understand?
- I am your only way out of this.
Freddy: And just how the fuck are you gonna protect me against the dark army, huh?
- Those guys just saw me running away from them.
- They know that I'm up to something!

- Phone's dead.
- It's almost as if...
- There is no John garcin.
- Freddy set us up.
- It must have been a distress signal they gave Freddy.
- The place is a honeypot.

- I'm not gonna run.
- So you should probably leave.

- Pettiness.
- It was a dig at me.
Phillip: It's that small, unfortunately.
- No, it's not over.
- It's not over. It can't be.
- She was gonna bring my mom back.
- We were gonna be reunited.

- The reason they even hire peons like me is because I'm willing to look the other way and push the right papers for 'em.
- Small stuff, incorporation documents.
- Look at me, I'm a dumb shit.
- You think they're gonna tell me anything?

- You know, this isn't just gonna destroy me, it's gonna destroy the people that work for me, my firm, their families, everyone.
- Keep this phone on you. Expect another call when you get there.
[Shouts] Who the fuck is this?
- This is Mr. Robot.

- Your job was to control him.
- My job was to protect him.
- Your job was to protect all of us.
- What's gonna happen?
- The inevitable.
- We're all gonna go away.
- I just didn't think it was gonna be like this.

- It would break her heart.
- We need to get back to work.
- John garcin should be our only focus.

- Just wait until you hear this, it's kind of a breakthrough.
- Where's flipper?
- The landlord took her for the week.
- What, what are you too busy with? [Chuckles]
- What's going on, Darlene?
- What are you doing here?
- I think I saw Angela.

- Why didn't you just show her the photo whiterose sent to us?
- You mean the one with
- Angela's brains blown out?
- Yeah, no, I don't think so.
- At least itwould have put her out of her misery.

- I told you to leave all your electronics.
- I did!
- I don't have anything on me.
- Look, I have nothing.

Elliot: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Man: We need room here.
- We need room.
- Taking pictures right now, lady? What are you gonna do with them? Come on.
- Put it down. Back up!
- Paramedics are coming.
- They need space. Make a hole.

- Something's not right.
- Noshw what the fuck?
- Did you lock the door?
- No. Signal's dead in here.
- They're jamming it.
- Mr. Robot: Oh, shit!

- Hello?
- Anybody home?
- Let's check things out before he comes back.
- That wasn't the plan. We're only supposed to own his Wi-Fi.
- Are you kidding? He's not here.
- We just got lucky.
- Search everything.

- and then he can be terminated.
- In the meantime, he needs to be kept on a short leash and trained not to bite his master.
- Very well, then.
- Send him a reminder of what's at stake, should there be any interference.

- then I'm gonna be forced to do something very bad to your mother, like, really bad, you know?
- Like, I'm probably gonna have to slit her from mouth to cunt.
- You touch my mom, I will strangle you to death. You understand me?
- You can strangle me till the cows come home.
- That's not gonna stop the rest of 'em.

- Hon, I thought you were kidding like you do.
- Listen, I'm glad you're up.
- I want you to put a load in so you have something to wear to the bake sale later.
- Janice is coming over after for some macaroni and gravy.
- You're just gonna leave this guy here alone?
- He's not alone, you're here.

Whiterose: I'm sorry for your loss.
- Our team has an update on the shipment hack we obtained from Mr. Alderson.
- It appears it will Grant us the clearance we need by the end of the year.
- It's October now, so that's two more months we'll have to wait.
- Just in time for the holidays.

- You are psychotic!
- You're certainly not mincing words today, are you?
- It's all psychotic.
- Phillip, if you feel you must take this out on me, then I'm happy to bear the burden.
- I've become very good at it over the years, don't you think?

- There's a chance, if you beg.
- It's the only way out of this.
- Please. Please, Angela. Please!
- Shh.
- You're panicking right now.
- Remove all emotion, and you'll do just fine.
- Isn't that what you're good at?

- She's fucking dead!
[Softly] And it's not our fault.
- We tried to help her, remember?
- She did this to herself.
- You have to stop feeling guilty.
- I'm not the one that feels guilty.

- Put the gun away, Freddy, and sit down.
- I'm serious. I'm not afraid to use this if I have to.
- And then that video will not only be automatically sent to the FBI, but to your wife and kids.
- Is that something you're afraid of?
- Sit down, give me the drive.

- Can you just give me a minute?
- Certainly, sir.
- Congratulations.
- I've been meaning to tell you that for a while now, but I wanted to give you your space.
- Most of us here consider you a hero for what you did.