The Best Peggy 'Peg' McMillan Quotes

Peggy: You see, I've been doing a little thinking, too, Sheriff, and I've come to a very interesting conclusion.
Andy: You have?
Peggy: You know what you are?
Andy: What?
Peggy: You're a snob.

Opie: You like Pa?
Peggy: Sure I do.
Opie: D'you love him?
Peggy: Well...
Andy: Uh, Ope...
Opie: See, Pa needs the companionship of a fine, young woman, someone he can take to a dance. He can't take Barney to a dance.
Peggy: He can't?
Opie: No. Barney's too short.
Peggy: Oh. I see.
Opie: You see, Miss Peggy, someday Pa might get married again, and it'd be somebody that he likes a lot - somebody he loves - and it might be you. Of course, it might be you and it might not, but...
Andy: Yep, what we needs a little bit of music. A little music is exactly what we need.
Andy: [singing as Opie continues talking] Yes, git on home, Cindy, Cindy, git on home. Yes, git on home, Cindy, Cindy - and Opie, hush your mouth.

Peggy: [at an upscale restaurant] Escargot. Snails. You've had them, haven't you?
Andy: Uh, no. I've stepped on quite a few of 'em in my time, but I never have eaten one of 'em.