The Best Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 21 Quotes

- Yes.
- I have no doubt.
- Answer me one question. Why are you so interested in Harold?
- He's dead.
- Your tea's gone cold.
- Feel free to freshen it up.

- I beg your pardon?
- Not a crowd.
- He didn't really have any family, but a friend or... a coworker.
- Just... one other person who knew how truly special Harold was and wanted to say goodbye.

- Keep yourself alive, Harold.
- I'll be coming for you.
- Remember what I said.
- She's all that matters.
- Walk a straight line, 100 paces.
- Don't take off the blindfold until you're all the way there.

- So you got yourself arrested?
- Wouldn't be the first time.
- Help me out here?
- In evidence locker 7798, there's a coil of copper wire.
- In 443a, there's a pair of needle-nosed pliers.
- I need them, a roll of duct tape, and an extension cord.
- Oh, is that all, cocoa puffs?

- let's see what it comes up with.
Root: Hug the wall.
- There's a camera up ahead.
- We're covered on 23rd street by the flushing line elevated tracks.
- We make it that far, and maybe we don't get shot by the six decima agents waiting a block away.
- Samaritan 101. Let's go.

- and I can't allow that.
- I'll trade myself for her.
- The two of you will stay with me and make sure that decima holds up their end of the deal.
- Understood?
- Whatever you want, Finch.
- We'll be there.
- Thank you.

- Prints on the door.
- The cops will have you in an hour.
- Not smart with charisse and a two-year-old at home.
- But today is your lucky day.
- Just drop the gun, take the diapers and get the hell outta here.
- Your kid's better off with a father.

- Please don't look back.
- Did you know him? Harold?
- Is he what this was all about?
- All I know for sure is...
- You loved him.
- And he loved you back.

- You blindfolded her.
- I appreciate that.
- Least I could do.
- Had a feeling you'd prefer it that way.
- And I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot.
- After all, you've been a very hard man to find.

- Now, tell me, grace Hendricks, who exactly are you?

- Who is it?
- Man: Looks like samaritan's found a connection.
- There.
- Who is she?
- Man: Not sure.
- Could be family, a friend, a coworker.
- Bring her to me.

- We're currently tracking them across Manhattan.
- Enough of these games.
- Zachary!
- Sir.
- Deploy all operatives into the field.
- Bring me grace Hendricks, and eliminate the rest.
- Copy that.

- There's one more thing.
- I'd like you to avoid violence, if at all possible.
- But, if they harm grace in any way, kill them all.

Sameen: Next time we need to hide from an all-seeing super-computer, we're getting separate trunks.

- Waitress: Here are your pancakes.
- I'm guessing it's our best shot at finding grace.
- Then let's go take a look.
- Shaw: Stop the clock, sports fans.
- How do either of you plan on getting us back into the city?
- Reese: There's our ride.

- Believe it or not, she's one of the good guys too.
- What is going on? I barely believe this is a police station.
- You're in a situation you can't control that's larger than you can imagine.
- Sit tight, and we'll keep you alive.
- Lionel, what did you find for me?

Root: Hate to crash the party, but a mutual friend thought I could help in here.
Lionel: So you got yourself arrested.
Root: Wouldn't be the first time. Help me out here? In evidence locker 779b there's a coil of copper wire. In 443a there's a pair of needle-nosed pliers. I need them, a roll of duct tape and an extension cord.
Lionel: Oh, is that all, Cocoa Puffs?

Root: You're in a situation you can't control that's larger than you can imagine. Sit tight and we'll keep you alive.

- Zachary, get Ms. Hendricks to safety, and then dispose of the others.
Zachary: I've got her, sir.

- We can't trade Harold.
- We can't even find him.
- Then we've only got a few hours to come up with a way to save grace.
- Yep.
Root: Hi, you two.
- The machine says the security camera overlooking the entrance to grace's building just went out.
- Thought you should know.

- Chin up, kids.
- You're not out of the game yet.
- Trust me.
- We lost Finch, which means we've lost everything.
- Not everything.
Root: We now have seven of samaritan's servers.
- Like I said, trust me.

- From him? No.
- No. He wasn't a real threat.
- But did you notice that your security cameras have been off all afternoon?
- I wonder why Ricky here begged you to work a shift today.
- Two words: Inside job.

- No sign of grace.
- Or anyone else.
- Takes a big crew to run a ship this size.
- So where is everybody?

Harold: There's one more thing. I'd like you to avoid violence if at all possible. But... if they harm Grace in any way... kill them all.

- I asked you a question.
- Tell me where I am. Now.
- Where you are is of very little interest, my dear.
- Who you are, now, that's a question worth pursuing.
- What right do you have to abduct me, to keep me here?
- Your questions only delay my own.
- Please.

- unlike anything I've ever seen.
- Three guesses what decima's gonna use them for.
- But you won't need three.
- Samaritan?
- But it's already online.
Root: You think it's scary now?
- Samaritan's a brand-new system, a child learning to crawl.
- These servers are for when it can run.

- Officer [over radio]: All units, there's been an explosion on 1214 grand street.
- It's an abandoned three-story building.
- The explosion occurred on the top floor.
- All units in area respond immediately.
- What do you think?
- Did we lose 'em?
- It was always 50/50.

- Thank you.
- Get her outta here now.

- You're sure you saw four ships out there?
- Yeah. Why?
- Terminal manifest only lists three.
- What do you say we take a look behind door number four?
Root: You two head below deck, try to find grace.
- I'll keep watch up here.

Root: Just remember - what our Machine sees, Samaritan sees. Two gods playing with the same deck of cards.

- Tell our men to position themselves around the station where there's no surveillance coverage.
- Is there a problem, sir?
- We're not the only ones with eyes and ears everywhere.

- Do you know where he might...
- I'm sorry.
- This is everybody we pulled out of the water.
- If we let him walk out that door, decima wins, samaritan will go live.
- If we 're now in a place where the machine is asking us to commit murder, that's a place I can't go.
- I'm afraid this is where I get off.

- Rest assured, I'll get very well acquainted with the specifics.
- Assuming everything pans out,
- I'll be in touch.
- Samaritan's losing the feeds then?
- Greer: For the moment.
- But we've gained the senator's confidence.
- And something far more valuable.
- Drive.