The Best Polo Quotes

Victor: The irony of this is exhilerating. Whoever would have thought we'd run into a situation like this. A Control agent will be delivering KAOS information tonight.

Victor: Who?
Maxwell: Laurence Hollywood. You're probably more familiar with my father, who was one of the greatest actors the world,
Maxwell: *the world* has ever known.
Victor: I don't think so, what was his name?
Maxwell: Huh?
Victor: What was his name?
Maxwell: Eh, Jason Hollywood.
Victor: Never heard of him.
Maxwell: Oh. Well, you probably remember my mother.
Carl: What was her name?
Maxwell: Leonora Vine. I'm sure you're more familiar with the work they did as a team.
Victor: I'm sorry, we've never heard of either one of them.
Maxwell: You've never heard of Hollywood and Vine?