The Best Ron Getman Quotes

Ron: So, uh, what kind of jurors are we looking for?
Marissa: Well, as you so beautifully explained in your opening statement to our empty chairs, our narrative is that Bull is human. His job isn't to see the future. It's to give the best advice possible with the information he's given. Now, for that to work, we need jurors who can separate certainty from chance, people who understand that there are limits to foreseeability, that choices and outcomes don't always correlate. We want to focus on individuals who judge circumstances only on the factors that they can control.
Ron: I'm sorry. Was that English? I-I-I just I-I don't know what the hell she's talking about.
Benny: Think of, uh, texting and driving. Right? It's illegal, but we've all done it. Now, you got two people driving on the same road. First person finishes their text, puts their phone away, keeps on driving. No one's the wiser. But as the other person is hitting "send," a kid chases a ball onto the street. The car hits the kid. Now, is the second person more culpable than the first because a kid jumped out
Ron: Okay, so what we need is people that understand - that sometimes stuff just happens.
Marissa: Yeah, exactly.
Ron: Well, why didn't you say that in the first place?

Jason: I'll explain everything, but I need you to listen.
Amaya: I'm listening.
Jason: Your son is on his way home. And his father is awaiting trial in Ethiopia.
Amaya: Okay.
Jason: You know how much it hurt you to be away from your son, that's how much it hurt his father for the past five years. You can make this right. Let Abel come to the States. Don't press charges. Let him be a part of Alexander's life in some way.
Ron: A-And you know what? Here's another thought. Maybe consider starting a foundation. You're good at getting the media's attention. And it might be nice to focus on something other than yourself for a change.
Amaya: Excuse me?
Jason: Ignore the presentation, focus on the message. It's why he works in the outer boroughs.