The Best Safiyah Sohail Quotes

Safiyah: I hated what you did, but I'd be lying if I said I hated how you did it. Poisoning hundreds of people only to turn around and save them just to spite a single enemy. You got my attention.
Alice: This may come as a shock to you, but your approval means very little to me.
Safiyah: Wasn't always the case. Remember when we met? You were hiding out on that yacht we were raiding. You'd just escaped captivity. Your Mouse locked away, his father out in the world. You were so... broken, so angry like a siren thrashing in her net. You thanked me for finding you.
Alice: You didn't find me.
Safiyah: No. No, you found yourself. Because I taught you how to turn your rage into power, but that rage never included killing Kate, and now it consumes you to the point of seeking revenge against her supposed killer? Why? What happened?
Alice: Can't a girl change her mind?
Safiyah: Not the girl I knew. Not the girl who loved her sister more than anyone. What happened between the two of you, Alice?
Alice: If you must know... I always thought Kate and I were one and the same, not hero and villain, just two sisters who would do anything for one another. But I was wrong.

Alice: One last meal before the slaughter?
Safiyah: I had you drugged, kidnapped, and shipped to my doorstep. This is my way of saying no hard feelings. Come. Sit with me.
Alice: If it's all the same to you, I prefer my poison in pill form.
Safiyah: You think I'd go to the trouble of bringing you all the way here just to poison you?
Alice: Yeah, so you could have a front-row seat.
Safiyah: I'm not the one who started this fight, Alice.
Alice: What is the appropriate reaction to learning my sister's plane was blown out of the sky?
Safiyah: You stabbed me in the back, exposed my island's most precious resource to every opportunist in Gotham.
Alice: Well, a wise woman once taught me it's not worth sending a message unless it's loud.
Safiyah: You always were my best student, but I'm afraid you've been misinformed. I didn't blow up your sister's plane. Someone wants you to think I killed Kate when the truth is I haven't thought about her or you since you left this island five years ago, which means the two of us have a puzzle to solve, so sit, my friend, and join me for a glass like old times.

Alice: You took everything from me!
Safiyah: Because I gave you everything. Just like I'll give you your sister.
Alice: That's Kate's necklace.
Safiyah: If I blew up Kate's plane with her inside, how could I possibly have this?

Alice: I am not leaving this island without Kate.
Safiyah: She'll be brought back to the island as soon as you leave. I'm not foolish enough to have you both here at the same time.
Alice: And I'm supposed to just believe you?
Safiyah: I have every intention of giving you your sister back, but before I do, I need you to do something for me.

Kate: Hi, Dad. How's the hand?
Roman Sionis: Oh. I'm more concerned about you, sweetheart. How are you feeling?
Kate: Grateful, actually. To you, for saving me from a life of Kate Kane. Concert tees and single earrings? She should wear a size two wet blanket. It would be more on brand. Her bar is cool, though. Can I have it when we're done?
Roman Sionis: I'll make sure it's still standing when we're finished.
Kate: [snickering] Here. These should help get us started.
[showing him Kate's journals]
Kate: Turns out Kate Kane had a thing for putting her feels on paper. If you can suffer through all the "Dear diary, being Batwoman is so hard," it's basically a user manual for the Batcave.
Safiyah: Well done, my dear. And once I have everything I need to give me back my island, you have my blessing to bring this one to its knees.

Safiyah: I've forgiven you for what you did all those years ago. Which is why it's going to be much harder forgiving you for this. You exposed the secret of the Desert Rose to the world. Coryana is the garden, and I am its keeper. My family has dedicated lifetimes to protecting its secret. History is littered with colonizers who come with their false ideals and pillage for their own profit; the African diamond trade, oil in the Middle East. Coryana is no different. Our garden will be ravaged, and our peaceful island will cease to exist.
Alice: Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you blew up my sister's jet.
Safiyah: I didn't bring down her jet.
Alice: And I didn't expose the secret of the Desert Rose to the world. I gave it to just one person, and she did the rest.
Safiyah: And who is this person?

Safiyah: I know you want me to be a bad person, but I'm not. I didn't kill your sister. Last thing I'd ever do is draw attention to my island.
Alice: Then why do I have a note signed by you saying otherwise?
Safiyah: Oh, then, by all means, you got me, Alice. My name was on a note.
Alice: Then who blew it up?
Safiyah: Clearly, someone who thought you still matter to me.
Alice: Last year, I worked with one of your men, the Rifle. Traded a weapon designed to kill Batwoman in exchange for a vial of your Desert Rose serum. Only I reneged on my end, handed over a broken piece of technology.
Safiyah: Go on. I'm dying to know how this ends.
Alice: You killed my entire gang in retaliation.
Safiyah: You have a gang?
Alice: Had.
Safiyah: Killing lackeys. Sounds tedious.
Alice: Or thorough.
Safiyah: If I was being thorough, why are you standing here?