Top 30 Quotes From Dark Phoenix

Jean: [cries in the rain] I don't know what's happening to me. Why? Why did I do that?

Professor: What do you think?
Young: I can't stay here.
Professor: Okay. Why not?
Young: It's too nice.
Young: I... I break things.
Professor: Well, how does this sound: If you break something, anything, I can fix it.
Young: Not anything.
Professor: I can help you. I can help you so that you never have to break things ever again.
Young: You think you can fix me too.
Professor: No. No, because you are not broken.

Professor: [to Hank] Raven had the right of it. Jean was never the villain. I was. I should never have lied to her. I was wrong. But this power inside of her, I never put that there. I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. It isn't me and this is not Jean. We can still save her. She is still Jean inside.

Professor: Hello, old friend.
Erik: Save the "old friend" shit, Charles. And stay out of my way.
Professor: I'm sorry for what she did. But I can't let you go in there.
Erik: You're always sorry, Charles. And there's always a speech. But nobody cares anymore.
Professor: We do this here, now, they'll see us as monsters. Violent freaks, fighting on the streets of New York.
Erik: What did I tell you?
Professor: Damn it, man, your homeland will be gone. Everything you care about.
Erik: Save it.
Scott: If you touch her, I will fucking kill you.
Professor: Don't do this, Erik. Killing Jean will not bring Raven back.
Erik: The girl dies.

Erik: I've seen evil... and I'm looking at it now.

[the mutants are in a train]
Erik: [hears a noise] She's coming.
[Jean lifts the train]

Vuk: You're special, Jean. And if you stop fighting that force inside you, if you embrace it, you will possess the very power of a god.

Scott: JEAN!

[first lines]
Jean: Who are we? Are we simply what others want us to be? Are destined to a fate beyond our control? Or can we evolve? Become... something more?

Raven: How do you know where we're going, Charles? If you can't track her, how do you know where she is?
Professor: You know how.
Raven: Jesus Christ. What did you do?
Professor: I protected her.
Raven: From the truth. There's another word for that.

Jean: You shouldn't have come here.
Professor: Why is that? We've only come to bring you home, Jean.
Jean: I don't have a home. You made sure of that.

[Jean stops her rampage after seeing into Charles' mind]
Professor: I knew. I knew you were still in there.
Vuk: He just showed you your past. Follow me... into your future.
Jean: No. I never asked for this, any of it.
Vuk: I traveled to the stars for a gift that you don't want.
Jean: Then take it, please. Free me.
Vuk: I'll try.
[absorbs Jean's power]
Professor: Stop it. You're going to kill her!
Vuk: Your lives mean nothing. Your world will be ours.
Professor: You'd kill us all.
Vuk: [smiles] Yes.

Vuk: They told you they could never understand you. And what they don't know understand, they fear. And what they fear...
Jean: They seek to destroy.

Scott: Where's Jean? Kurt, where is she? Where is she?
Kurt: I'm sorry!

Vuk: [creates a hologram] What entered you in space was not a solar flare. And it was not an accident. It was drawn to you.
Jean: What... what was it?
Vuk: A pure and unimaginably powerful cosmic force. We saw it enter you in space. We were there, Jean, following that force.
Jean: Why?
Vuk: Because it's the spark that gave life to the universe... and the flame that consumed my world. What remains of my people searched the stars for that power, to control it, but it destroyed everything it ever came into contact with. Until you.
Jean: Why me?
Vuk: Because you're stronger than you know. Because you're special, Jean. With my help, you could control what's inside you. Harness that power to create whole new worlds... turn dust into water... water into life. It's your destiny, Jean, to become something greater... to evolve into the greatest force in the galaxy. I told you they could never understand you. And what they don't understand, they fear. And what they fear...
Jean: ...they seek to destroy.

Young: Can you change the station?
Elaine: When the song's over, honey?
Young: You said that two songs ago.
John: You know this is a classic, right?
Elaine: Okay, how about I make you a promise? When you're old enough to drive, you can listen to whatever music you want. Hmm? That a deal?

Professor: The mind is a fragile thing. Takes only the slightest tap to tip it in the wrong direction.

Vuk: I have no desire to fight you.
Erik: I get that a lot.
Vuk: You wanted her dead.
Erik: I had a change of heart.

Jean: I came here looking for answers.
Erik: You didn't come here looking for answers. You came here looking for permission.

Jean: I don't know what's happening to me. When I lose control, things happen, bad things to people I love.

Ororo: Sometimes, you want to believe that people are something that they are not. By the time you realize who they are, it's too late.

Scott: Tell me how to fix this, Charles! Tell me what to do!
Professor: I don't know what to do!

Professor: We are all at war, at war with ourselves. And Raven had been waging that war for most of her life. I hope now she's found peace. Raven died doing what she did best: helping a friend, a friend in need. She is not gone. She lives on through me, through us, and through the spirit of the X-Men.

Erik: Whose blood is that?
Jean: What?
Erik: On your shirt. Whose blood is it? Look, I'm not Charles. I can't read your mind.
Jean: You hurt people.
Erik: It's been a while.
Jean: But you did.
Erik: Yes. Yes, I did. What about it?
Jean: How did you stop?
Erik: I've lived with vengeance my whole life. Ever since I was a child, I... lost everyone I ever loved, so... I hurt people. Yes, killed people. Killed whatever I thought would make the pain go away. It didn't, no matter how many souls I sent under. So I stopped.
Jean: I don't know how to stop. I don't know what's happening to me. When I lose control... things happen, bad things... to people I love.
Erik: Whose blood is that? Isn't that why you came here? What do you think I can do for you?
Jean: I don't know.
Erik: Yes, you do. Whose blood is that?

[Magneto confronts Jean, with a train in tow]
Erik: I know whose blood that was!

Scott: She didn't know what she was doing. Jean lost control. But she's still Jean. She's still our friend. We can still help her. We can find her. We bring her home. That's what we're going to do, okay?

Vuk: [to Jean] You feel like you don't belong here. You don't. They can't begin to comprehend what you are.

Vuk: Your emotions make you weak.
Jean: You're wrong. My emotions make me strong.

[deleted scene]
Professor: [cries] I'm not as evolved as I thought I was.

Professor: There's still hope. Don't do this!