The Best Robett Glover Quotes

[Jon, Sansa, and Davos are meeting with Robett Glover at Deepwood Motte]
Robett: The answer is no.
Jon: Lord Glover, if you could just hear us out.
Robett: I've heard enough. We've only just taken back this castle from the Ironborn. The Boltons helped us do it. Now you want me to fight against them? I could be skinned for even talking to you.
Jon: The Boltons are traitors. Roose Bolton...
Robett: [interrupts] Have other northern houses pledged to fight for you?
Jon: House Mormont.
Robett: And...?
Jon: We sent raven to Houses Manderly...
Robett: [interrupts] I don't care about ravens. You're asking me to join your army. Who is fighting in this army?
Jon: [hesitates before answering] The bulk of the force is made up of wildlings.
Robett: [laughs] Then the rumors are true. I didn't dare believe them. I received you out of respect for your father. Now I would like you to leave. House Glover will not abandon its ancestral home to fight alongside wildlings.
[Robett starts walking away]
Jon: Lord Glover...
Robett: There's nothing else to say.
Sansa: I would remind you that House Glover is pledged to House Stark. Sworn to answer when called upon.
[Jon glares at Sansa. Robett walks up close to Sansa. Jon sighs]
Robett: [disdainfully] Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your father's death. When my brother was lord of this castle, he answered Robb's call and hailed him King in the North.
[Robett steps closer to Sansa]
Robett: And where was King Robb when the ironborn attacked this castle? When they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalized and killed our subjects? Taking up with a foreign whore. Getting himself and those who followed him killed.
[Robett looks at Jon and then back at Sansa]
Robett: I served House Stark once, but House Stark is dead.
[Robett walks away. Sansa and Jon look down]