The Best Saskia Quotes

Saskia: [At Bo] I'm new in town, And I really wasn't planning on a turf war right out of the gate, so if this is your place, it was just plain rude of you not to mark your territory.
Kenzi: What, like, pee on it?

Saskia: You bitch!
Bo: You have to calm down and listen to me. You're my mother. I don't want to hurt you.
Saskia: And I didn't want to have to kill you. Shit changes!

Bo: What do I call you anyway, huh? Saskia? Aife?
Saskia: "Mom" has a nice ring to it.
Bo: I have a mom. Her name is Mary. She knits wicked afghans, helped me with all of my homework, and never once abandoned me to figure out my true nature all by myself.
Saskia: ...I could knit. You don't know.

Elder: You're crazy.
Saskia: Oh! Um, the polite term is "mentally unstable".