The Best Shalon Quotes

Shalon: [about to erase part of Steve's memory] You will not be forgotten.
Col. Steve Austin: I wish I could say the same.

Col. Steve Austin: [referring to Sasquatch] Have you made others like him?
Shalon: No, he's my baby.

Col. Steve Austin: You know doctor, when I first met you, your bedside manner did suprise me a little bit. You treat all your patients that way?
Shalon: [laughs] Of course not, but I've been stuck here with those stuffy scientists for two years. You were like a breath of fresh air. Not only attractive and witty, but also bionic. My specialty.

Shalon: You're really very special, Colonel Austin. Are there many more of you?
Col. Steve Austin: ...Yes, there's a whole army of us.
Shalon: [sensors start beeping] Now Colonel, you and I both know that's not true, don't we?