The Best Dr. Rudy Wells Quotes

Col. Steve Austin: Tell me something...
Dr. Rudy Wells: What?
Col. Steve Austin: And I want it straight... will I ever be able to run sixty miles per hour again?

Col. Steve Austin: [Rudy Wells is pushing a wheelchair bound Steve Austin] Well, it may not have effected my eyesight, but boy, my legs must have got really chewed up.
Dr. Rudy Wells: Yeah, they were. We had to use a car load of components to rebuild them. I'll send you the bill in the morning.
Col. Steve Austin: Hey, wait a minute, I'm still under warranty, you know.
Dr. Rudy Wells: Yeah, well, you were about due for your 20.000 mile check-up, anyway.

Lynda: [looking at her Fembot duplicate] Boy, it's spooky looking at myself.
Doctor: Not only that, do you know she weighs 482 pounds?
Lynda: Well that teaches me one thing.
Col. Steve Austin: Yeah? What's that?
Lynda: I'd better go on a diet.

Doctor: [about the Linda Wilson robot] Let's see if we can bring it back to life.
Col. Steve Austin: Are you sure you want to?
Doctor: Why?
Col. Steve Austin: Well, I've seen one of these things in action. It's not just a tinker toy.
Doctor: [scoffs] Don't worry about a thing.
Col. Steve Austin: I wish you hadn't said that.

Col. Steve Austin: [looking at a blurry picture of Bigfoot] If Bigfoot ever saw this, he'd turn over in his cave.
Dr. Rudy Wells: What makes you so sure it isn't Bigfoot?
Col. Steve Austin: Well, I said goodbye to him before he travelled back into space with the aliens that created him.

Dr. Rudy Wells: The bionic half of the brain versus the animal half. One side violent, unpredictable, the other side passive and peaceful.
Col. Steve Austin: Two minds with one body. Like a Jeckyll and Hyde.
Dr. Rudy Wells: Each battling for total control.