The Best Sharif Quotes

1st: Rise and shine, Sharif.
Detective: He was using the Justin Crane credit card?
1st: Yeah, he was busted for buying Metro cards for his homeboys.
Detective: Where'd you get the card, Sharif?
Sharif: I told 'em, a white dude gave it to me.
Detective: When?
Sharif: On Saturday, outside the camera store down on 23rd.
Detective: What did he look like?
Sharif: Red like an apple; red hair, red lip brush.
Detective: And he just gave it to you?
Sharif: Yeah. I didn't know it was stolen. He just said, "Hey, help yourself."
1st: And then what? He got in his sleigh and rode off with his reindeer?
Sharif: No, just his big, gray Caddie.
Detective: [to Goren] Ho, ho, ho.