Top 50 Quotes From Sherlock, Season 4, Episode 1


Mary: I'm part of a campaign, you know.
DI: Huh? Campaign?
Mary: Votes for women.
DI: And you, are you for or against?
Mary: Get out.

- plaster busts of the iron lady drying.
- It's clever.
- Very clever. But now you've met me.
- And you're not so clever, are you?
- Who are you?
- My name is Sherlock Holmes.
- Goodbye, Sherlock Holmes.

Mary: Why are you crying? Shh, shh.
Mary: I know.

Sherlock: Fear is wisdom in the face of danger. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

- Madam ambassador.
- What took you so long?
- Can't get the staff.
- Male soldier: Everyone out, now!
- Male soldier: To your left.
- What now. What do we do?
- We die.

Sherlock: We all have a past, Watson. Ghosts. They are the shadows that define our every sunny day.

- I know you'll try to find me, but there is no point.
- Every move is random and not even Sherlock Holmes can anticipate the roll of a dice.
- I need to move the target far, faraway from you and Rosie, and then I'll come back, my darling.
- I swear, I will.

- John: So many lies.
- I don't just mean you.

Dr. John Watson: [being angry with the maid] If it wasn't my wife's business to talk to the staff, I would deal with you myself.

Sherlock: Well, what do you make of it?
Mary: That we're looking for something.
- Yes, but it wasn't a burglar.
- They came specifically for that Thatcher bust. Why?

[last lines]
Dr. John Watson: As for your own... tale, are you sure it's still just a seven percent solution that you take? I think you may have increased the dosage.
Sherlock: Perhaps I was being a little fanciful, but perhaps such things could come to pass. In any case, I know I would be very much at home in such a world.
Dr. John Watson: Huh! Don't think I would be.
Sherlock: I beg to differ, but then I've always known I was a man out of his time.

- This is it, though.
- This is the one. I can feel it.
- Not moriarty?
- Has to be him.
- It's too bizarre, it's too baroque.
- It's designed to beguile me, tease me and lure me in.
- Blast.
- A noose for me to put my neck into.

- But you can't outrun that forever.
- You need to remember that, so...
- I'm giving you a case, Sherlock.
- Might be the hardest case of your career.
- When I'm gone, if I'm gone...
- I need you to do something for me.

Sherlock: Between you and me, John, I always survive a fall.
Dr. John Watson: But how?
Sherlock: Elementary, my dear Watson.

Molly: Oh, isn't HE observant now that Daddy's gone?
Dr. John Watson: I am observant in some ways, just as Holmes is quite blind in others.
Molly: Really?
Dr. John Watson: Yes. Really. Amazing what one has to do to get ahead in a man's world.
[tips his hat and exits]

Sherlock: Every great cause has martyrs. Every war has suicide missions, and, make no mistake, this is war. One half of the human race at war with the other. The invisible army hovering at our elbow, tending to our homes, raising our children, ignored, patronised, disregarded, not allowed so much as a vote, but an army nonetheless, ready to rise up in the best of causes, to put right an injustice as old as humanity itself. So you see, Watson, Mycroft was right. This is a war we must lose.

- I promise you,
- I haven't the foggiest idea what all this is about.
- You wound up agra and all the other freelancers.
- I haven't done any of the things you're accusing me of. Not one.
- Not one.

DI: [talking about Sherlock] He said, "There's only one suspect," and then he just walks away and now he won't explain.
Mrs. Hudson: Which is strange, because he likes that bit.
DI: Said it's so simple I could solve it.
Mrs. Hudson: I'm sure he was exaggerating.

- Yeah, I might as well get up anyway.
- Hey, baby, it's daddy.
[Kissing] Daddy.
- Come here, Rosie.
- Yeah.
- Come here, darling, it's all right.
Mary: Yeah, thank you.
- -[Crying continues]

- Ammo. Ammo.
- We were betrayed!
Sherlock: And they said it was her.
- And you betrayed us.
- They said her name?
- Yeah, they said it was the English woman.
- -[Gunshots]
- No! No!

Mycroft: I have access to the top level of the MI5 archive.
Mary: [already looking at that archive via her phone] Yep, that's where I'm looking.
Mycroft: What do you think of MI5 security?
Mary: I think it would be a good idea.

- I don't feel so good.
- -
- You're all right.
- Oh, you're sweet.
- You have a very kind face.
- God will smile on you.
Mary: But I don't want you and Sherlock hanging off my gun arm.
- I'm sorry, my love.

Dr. John Watson: Holmes, against absolutely no opposition whatsoever, I am your closest friend.

- We'll come back later.
- What would he do if he knew, huh?
- About the English woman.
- What would you do to a traitor?
- Maybe we'll tell him one day.
- If he lives that long. [Laughs]

- You understand nothing.
Sherlock: Well, before the police come in and spoil things, why don't we just enjoy the moment?
- Let me present Interpol's number one case.
- Too tough for them, too boring for me.
- The black Pearl of the borgias.

- Since they smashed both busts, our luck mightjust hold.
- Jack sandeford of reading is where I'm going next.
- Congratulations, by the way.
- Sorry?
- Well, you're about to solve a big one.
- Yeah, untiljohn publishes his blog.
- Yeah. Till then, basically.

Sherlock: I saw you die. Why aren't you dead?
Professor: Because it's not the fall that kills you, Sherlock. Of all people, you should know that. It's not the fall. It's never the fall. It's the landing.

Sherlock: [after Watson corrects his deduction] My Boswell is learning. They do grow up so fast.

Dr. John Watson: [after DI Lestrade's recount of recent events] Extraordinary!
Mary: Impossible!
Sherlock: Superb! Suicide as street theatre; murder by corpse. Lestrade, you're spoiling us.

- one to dr barnicot.
- Two to miss orrie harker, one to a mrjack sandeford of reading.
- Lestrade, another one?
- Yeah.
- Harker or sandeford?
- Harker. And it's murder this time.
- Mmm. That perks things up a bit.

Sherlock: [angry, as Watson seems to believe in ghosts] Use your brain, such as it is, to eliminate the impossible, which in this case is the ghost, and observe what remains, which in this case is a solution so blindingly obvious even Lestrade could work it out!

DI: [after a failed attempt by Sherlock to catch a murderer] You really mustn't blame yourself, you know.
Sherlock: No, you're quite right.
Dr. John Watson: I'm glad you're seeing sense.
Sherlock: Watson is equally culpable. Between us, we've managed to botch this whole case.

Sherlock: [in his apartment, to Moriarty] For the sake of Mrs. Hudson's wallpaper, I must remind you that one false move with your finger and you will be dead.

- Ella: You've been having dreams.
- A recurring dream?
- Do you wanna talk about it?

Dr. John Watson: Holmes, could it have been twins?
Sherlock: No.
Dr. John Watson: Why not?
Sherlock: Because it's never twins.
DI: Emilia was not a twin, nor did she have any sisters. She had one older brother who died four years ago.
Dr. John Watson: Mm-m-m-m. Maybe it was a secret twin.
Sherlock: A WHAT?
Dr. John Watson: A secret twin? Mm? You know? A twin that nobody knows about? This whole thing could have been planned.
Sherlock: Since the moment of conception? How breathtakingly prescient of her. It is never twins, Watson!

- But you're gonna.
- Yeah.
- -[Chuckles]
- What's this?
- This is me.
- Uh, thank you.
- Cheers.
- Yea h, rig ht.
- Bye.
- Bye.

- So it would seem.
- You see right through me, mr Holmes.
- It's what I do.
- Maybe I can still surprise you.
- Now come on. Be sensible.
- No, I don't think so.

- Mycrofi': Codenames
- Antarctica, langdale, porlock and love.
- Ma ry: You 'd be amazed what a receptionist picks up.
- They know everything.
- Ajay: They said it was the English woman!
- Don't minute any of this.
- Ma ry: They know everything.

- -[Beeping]
- Bloody thing.
- What's going on?
- I'm very sorry, lady smallwood, your security protocols have been temporarily rescinded.
- What?

Mycroft: Sherlock, listen to me...
Sherlock: No, it only encourages you.
Mycroft: I'm not angry with you.
Sherlock: Oh, that's a relief, I was really worried. No... hold on, I really wasn't.
Mycroft: I was there for you before. I'll be there for you again. I'll always be there for you. This was my fault.
Sherlock: It was nothing to do with you.
Mycroft: A week in a prison cell, I should have realised.
Sherlock: Realised what?
Mycroft: That, in your case, solitary confinement is locking you up with your worst enemy.

Sherlock: [annoyed by Watson's questions about his emotional life] Dear Lord, I have never been so impatient to be attacked by a murderous ghost.

- Man's voice: Ammo!
- -Ammo! -[Siren wailing]

Mrs. Hudson: And you make the rooms so drab and dingy.
Dr. John Watson: Oh, blame it on the illustrator. He's out of control. I've had to grow this moustache just so that people would recognize me.

Mary: I've been making enquiries. Mr. Holmes asked me.
Dr. John Watson: [to Sherlock] Holmes, how could you?
Mary: No, not him. The clever one.

- Do you think she'll like bedtime stories?
- I'd like to do those.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I just make a series of gurgling noises at the moment.
- -[Chuckles]
- Although she does seem to enjoy them.
- Well, I'll have to give that a go.
- Got a lot to catch up on.

- Mr and mrs welsborough, this is mr Sherlock Holmes.
- Thank you very much for coming.
- We've heard a great deal about you.
- If anyone can throw any light into this darkness, surely it will be you.
- Well, I believe that I can.
- David: Well, Charlie was our whole world, mr Holmes. I...

- Well?
- He can't have got far.
- We'll have him in a bit.
- I very much doubt it.
- Why?
- Because I think he used to work with Mary.

Dr. John Watson: [to Sherlock] I'm taking Mary home.
Mary: You're what?
Dr. John Watson: Mary's taking me home.
Mary: Better.

- ”'I give in. I am yours.
- ”'But tell me, why did you look surprised
- III when you saw me this morning in Baghdad?'
- “because, ' said death,
- ”'i had an appointment with you tonight, iiii' 5na'”marra.