The Best Terileptil Quotes

Terileptil: War is honourable, Doctor. Even on this planet it is considered so.
The: Oh, I know - but, by your own admission, these people are still primitive. What's your excuse?

The: There are only four of you?
Terileptil: Three, now, but it is enough.
The: Against the millions who already live on this planet? You'd NEVER establish yourselves here.
Terileptil: You're assuming we plan to coexist.

The: This carnage isn't necessary.
Terileptil: It's survival, Doctor. Just as these primitives kill lesser species to protect themselves, so I kill them.
The: That's hardly an argument.
Terileptil: It's not supposed to be an argument! It's a statement!

Terileptil: Your friends are of no interest to me.
The: Well, that's unfortunate because we had intended to help you.

Terileptil: And where is this Doctor from?
Tegan: He's never told us. He likes to be mysterious, although he talks a lot about... uh... Guildford. I think that's where he comes from.
Terileptil: You are being a very stupid woman.
Tegan: That isn't a very original observation.

[the Terileptil Leader blasts the sonic screwdriver, destroying it]
The: I feel as though you've just killed an old friend.
Terileptil: It is with some sadness that I tell you you are about to join it.
The: Why not smile and let me live?

Terileptil: It seems that your companions have abandoned you. Perhaps you overrate your importance.