The Best The Sinner, Season 2, Episode 7 Quotes

- and I knew what I had to do.
- And I changed Mosswood for good.
- That hooded thing that you keep seeing,
- I'd stare it down next time you see it.
- 'Cause it'll ruin you if you let it.
- Oh, shit.

- He picked up a box of Laura's belongings.
- I didn't get his name.
- What'd he look like?
- Long hair, gray, tied back in a ponytail.
- How long ago did you say she left?
- I would say, must have been four or five weeks ago.

- Of course, they're getting fed up.
- This is supposed to be a sanctuary.
- What do you want to do?
- I want to find my son and bring him home.
- Even if you get him back, they're never gonna let you keep him.
- You understand that, right?

- Hey.
- Heather.

- You can't just decide that.
- I can.
- I have a legal right.
- You abandoned him, and I'm his mother now.
- And now I think you should leave, please.
- Marin?
- Please go.

- Oh, he wrote that number there.
- I don't know whose it is.
- It's mine.
- How was his mood last night?
- Honestly, he seemed...
- Dissociated.

- Shh.
- I'm gonna take you home, okay?
- Okay. It's okay.
- I'm gonna get you out of here.
- How? Who are you?
- It's gonna be okay.

- She called me on this phone.
- I need a ping right away.
- These are exigent circumstances, we've got a missing child.
- Come on.
- Come on, we're here.

- Canadian plates.
- Have you run those yet?
- Yeah.
- The plates were reported stolen off another vehicle in Quebec three weeks ago.
- Looks like they ditched this in a hurry.
- We'd better get the dogs out here.

- But I could never get rid of this pain.
- What pain?
- Of missing you.
- I thought about you all the time.
- How you were.
- Who you were.

- You have those?
- Yeah.
- Still nothing on NCIC.
- He was telling me all along there was a hooded thing coming after him.
- It was all real.
- I need to talk to her.

- We still have a quarter of a tank.
- Let's just fill it up. Please.
- Bess.
- Bess and Adam.
- They were...
- They were trying to take me to you, weren't they?

- Well, you get in these big boats, and it takes us right up to where the water's coming down.
- Right up to the edge.
- If we're lucky, we might actually see some people coming over in barrels.
- Barrels?
- It's a thing at Niagara Falls.

- The police were here looking for you.
- One of them said she's an old friend of yours.
- Apparently they have an Amber Alert out for you, and I'm very worried.
- Please call and let us know that you're okay.
- Can you do that?

- She had no connection with Mosswood.
- Probably committed suicide.
- Okay, here we are.
- Five Nations.
- Okay, looks like these guys are onto something.
- What do you think?
- Let's follow them.

- My mother says that
- I'm not guilty.
- But I know that I am.
- I did it.
- I did it.
- It's more complicated than that.
- Can we go?

- Chief.
- Julian Walker is slipping away from us.
- We don't have time...
- This is Heather Novack, Keller PD.
- We need an Amber Alert for Julian Walker, age 13.
- Possible abduction.
- We're looking for a brown camper van.

- Harry, saving my son isn't gonna save you.
- What's that mean?
- Harry.
- We got something.
- What?
- What is it?

- Keep it down. Julian!
- Come here, come here.
- We're getting...
- We're getting off, okay?
- Heather Novack.
- Hello?
- It's me.

- Come on.
- Any ideas where she'd be taking him?
- No clue.
- She's not dangerous, right?
- I mean, he's safe.
- She just wants him back.
- I don't think she would hurt him.
- Yeah, but we don't know for sure.
- I think we ought to add her to the Amber Alert.

- You were...
- You were there.
- You know.
- I know.
- Please.
- I really need your help.

- This is all that Marin left at The Grey Daughters.
- But,
- I found this.
- I know where she's going.

- Hi.
- It's me.
- We're here.

- And you heard nothing unusual?
- No.
- Detective.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.
- Can you do me a favor?
- I want to check upstairs.
- Sure.

- Do you keep sunflower seeds in the house?
- Not usually, no.
- Hey, hey!

- Is she okay?
- Did something happen?
- It's important that we find her.
- Did she say where she was going?
- She wouldn't say.
- Marin, my God.
- Welcome home.

- I can't.
- Fine.
- I have to go.
- Wait, Marin.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
- It's not your fault.

- When did you realize
- Julian was missing?
- 4:40, maybe 4:45 a.m.
- None of the other kids saw anything?
- Nobody saw him leave?
- Everybody was asleep.

- I have no idea. I don't know.
- She needs to get off the grounds.
- It's okay. I've got her.
- It's okay. Come on.
- It was only a dream.
- It was only a dream.

- I'm hungry again.
- Is there something we can eat?
- I'm hungry, too.
- Can you just sit tight for a second?
- I just have to make a phone call.

- Is it okay?
- Found the vehicle.
- All clear.

- Mosswood isn't this far.
- Everything's gonna be okay soon, I promise.
- Where are you taking me?
- Where are you taking me?
- I'm just here to help you out.
- Don't worry.
- I'll explain everything once we get a little bit further, okay?

- I just want to get to know you.
- You must be starving.
- I have this.
- It's okay.
- It's just a granola bar.
- So...

- Yeah.
- They're charging you with resisting arrest.
- I expect they're gonna hold you overnight before they release you.
- None of that matters right now.
- I need you to go find Terry and give him a message.
- Tell him to go see
- The Grey Daughters.

- And I killed them.
- Hey.
- You didn't know.

- Any excuse to come over, she was there.
- She never wanted to go home.
- I'd say you did everything you could.
- No, I didn't.
- I ruined it for her.
- I did it back then, and now I gotta do it again.