The Best The Valeyard Quotes

The: I really must curb these urges. I've no wish to be contaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies.

The: Any witnesses I might produce are scattered all over the universe and all through time. How can I find them now?
The: Procrastination, my lady.

The: Whether or not the Doctor has proved himself innocent of meddling is no longer the cardinal issue before this court. He has proved himself guilty of a far greater crime.
The: You refer to article seven of Gallifreyan Law?
The: No, my Lady, that can not apply! Had a single Vervoid reached earth, the human race would have been eliminated.
The: Article seven permits no exceptions. The Doctor has destroyed a complete species. The charge must now be genocide.

The: The accused is clearly ignorant of the latest methods of surveilance, my lady.
The: This evidence is taken from the Matrix, a knowledge bank fed constantly by the experiences of all Time Lords, wherever they may be.

The: Do you relish danger, Doctor?
The: Not particularly.
The: Yet you seem to court it so obviously.
The: Well, even a nervous Time Lord must appear to act with confidence at all times.

The: I fail to comprehend this evidence. The Doctor is on trial for his life, yet in his defense he presents us with a situation in which he is deliberately flouting accepted authority.

The: You will apologize at once!
The: For telling the truth? Never!
The: The Doctor is well-known for these childish outbursts. I do not find the ramblings of an immature mind offensive.
The: Immature?
The: It is that particular state of mind that has made it necessary for you to be brought to this court.
The: Immature? I was on Ravolox trying to divert a catastrophe - the deaths of several hundred INNOCENT people. Surely, not even in the eyes of Time Lords, can that be deemed either immature or a crime!