50 Best The Witcher, Season 1, Episode 3 Quotes

Danica: What's her name?
Geralt: When you live as long as I do, all the names start to sound the same.

[whispering voice] Ciri.
- Ciri!
- Ciri! Ciri!
- Ciri! Ciri!
- -[whoosh]
- -[gasps]
- Wha--

- Foltest, leave your sister be.
- Show Madame de Vriess some respect.
- What wonderful children, Your Highness.
- Thank you.
- Your Excellence.
- An Aedirnian would surely have had better footing.

Tissaia: Yennefer, imagine the most powerful woman in the world... Do you have what it takes?

[sighs] There's only one wrinkle, though.
- -Your scent was on her sheets.
- -Geralt.
- Old ones... and new ones.
- What would I be doing in a dead girl's bed?
- I smelled what you were doing.

- The only way to make one is through a curse.
- -Someone wanted Adda dead.
- -Mm-hmm.
- But the curse didn't stop with Adda.
- It turned her daughter into a monster.
- Her daughter?
- Strigas are female.
- This striga's a princess.

Triss: Adda's bedroom.
- Do you think he cursed her?
- Foltest?
- Maybe.

Geralt: His heart's missing along with his liver. Only one creature I know is that picky an eater. A striga.

- -[banging on door]
- -[man] You hear me?
- Thank you... for... everything.
- -[man] Witcher!
- -[banging persists]
- Hmm.
- -What about the room?
- -[door crashes open]

- No. No. Come back here.
- Please. Please!
- You'd leave a man bound to die in such indignity?
- You're not a man.

- Don't judge me.
- I'll be back with payment in a few days.
- Anything happens to my horse...
[chuckles] You don't scare me.
- Point me to Temeria.

- Must be.
- 'Cause only a man devoid of all heart could accuse a brother of bedding his murdered sister while urging him to kill her.
- Leave Temeria.
- Never return.

[hearing the striga, Geralt leaves to confront her, leaving Ostrit bound to the bed]
Lord: No... no! Come back here! Please! You'd leave a man bound to die in such indignity?
Geralt: [without turning around] You're not a man.

Triss: You were told to leave Temeria.
Geralt: But come on. These views.

- -You know, victimhood is not your color.
- -Nor heroism yours.
- You're just angry because you lost your chance to be beautiful!
- I want to be powerful.
- Seen and adored with everyone watching.
- It is what I'm owed.
- No amount of power or beauty will ever make you feel worthy of either.

- Renfri.
- The girl in the woods will be with you always.
- People call you a monster too.
- Renfri.
- You choose...
- -[echoing] You choose...
- -[sighs]

- Imagine the most powerful woman in the world.
- Her hair, the color of her eyes, yes... but also the strength of her posture.
- The poise of her entire being.
- Do you see her?
- Yes.

- Monsters and money?
- It's all it needs to be.
- You say this is all life is to you, but there is a vortex of fate around all of us, Geralt, growing with each and every one of our choices... drawing our destinies in closer.

Giltine: Let me be candid. You are a... first draft of what nature intended, yes? Lucky for you, I'm the final artist. Every girl I enchant leaves Aretuza a living work of art. No matter how challenging the clay.

- You didn't want the people to know that it bested a witcher.
- And you let them believe that he fled with their coin.

Yennefer: You claim to be quite the artist. Prove it.
- -The Chapter would have my head.
- -Do they already have your cock?
- -I'll need time to prepare the herbs.
- -That won't be necessary.
- Don't be foolish.
- You can't be awake during the procedure.
- I can.

Triss: Not answering questions is a pillar of your brooding charm.

- My apologies, Your Excellence.
- Please allow me to remove this misguided girl.
- Now, what sort of a king refuses a dance with one of his subjects?
- Vengerberg?
- Are you aware that I'm in the market for just such a mage?
- On your lead, Your Excellence.

- Growing for years till she got so hungry... she was forced to slither out.
- Rotten muscle, bent bones, two spidery legs, claws dragging in the dirt.
- An overgrown abortion.
- Enough.
- -[soldier] Your Highness?
- -Leave.

- You know nothing... of my pain.
- Does Foltest have a plan?
- See this one to our borders.
- Temeria's had their fill... of witchers.

- I take payment after the job is done and for a third of the price.
- An apology... from my guild... to yours.
- And if you can't kill it?
- Then I die.

- Why do you care?
- You first.
- I saw how Foltest and his boy spoke to you.
- Why help those who won't listen?
- I'm sure someone as legendary as you has already figured out several ways to get past Segelin's guards.

- That is exactly my point.
- Why not produce your own heir?
- Why not kill the striga and avoid this revolt?
- Why drag this all out?
- Between you and me... who is the striga's father?

Triss: So that's all life is to you? Monsters and money?
Geralt: It's all it needs to be.
Triss: You say this is all life is to you, but there is a vortex of fate around all of us, Geralt, growing with each and every one of our choices... drawing our destinies in closer. I feel something out there waits for you. Something more.

- Every girl I enchant leaves Aretuza a living work of art.
- Hmm?
- No matter how challenging the clay.

- Perfect for Aedirn.
- A gray dress assumes importance without bald ambition.
- Ah. Not the final look. More a preview.

- It's a monster.
- A vukodlak.
- I swear, Witcher, that's what got me.
- I swear I saw it.
- -I swear on my ma's grave, I saw it--
- -Shh. Shh, shh.
- Three thousand orens. Up front.

- -[cooing]
- -[clicking]
- Please forgive me.
- It was Foltest.
- It was his fault.
- -I loved your mother.
- -[croaks]
- -[screeches]
- -[gasps]

- will my daughter... be normal?
- She'll need special care.
- She's lived as an animal.
- All she's ever known is... rage and hunger.

Lord: What is it? I've done what you asked! What more can I do?
Geralt: Nothing, unless you can keep a striga out of her crypt until a fucking rooster crows three times!
Lord: [realizing] You're going to have to fight her until dawn.

Istredd: What do you want?
Yennefer: Remember that scared girl who tumbled at your feet in this cave; totally unaware of her power? I want to go back home to Aedirn and never be her again.

- What's wrong?
- Fringilla and the others see their ideal selves so clearly.
- They know exactly what they want for their enchantments.
- Stop worrying so much.
- Easy for a Ban Ard boy.
- You dolts needn't change a single wrinkle before heading to court.

King: I remember hearing stories about Witchers. Is it true what they say?

- Remember that scared girl who tumbled at your feet in this cave... totally unaware of her power?
- I want to go back home to Aedirn and never be her again.
- -You're bound for Aedirn?
- -Yes.
- Let me be candid. You are a... first draft of what nature intended, yes?
- Lucky for you, I'm the final artist.

Yennefer: You claim to be quite the artist. Prove it.
Giltine: The Chapter would have my head.
Yennefer: Do they already have your cock?

[Foltest] Oh so quick to violence.
- Strange, considering what Miss Merigold told me about you.
- -And what's that?
- -She told me... to trust you.

Yennefer: A life holding dustpans while you brush off forgotten bones? That's not destiny. It's slow suicide.

- Foltest commits treason.
- He hides in his winter castle as we are eaten.
[all] Yeah!
- Mikal was a good boy.
- Revenge will not ease your pain.
- -[spits]
- -[all yell]

- There is a cost to all creation.
- A sacrifice that is always made.
- To be reborn... you will bear no more.
- Do you understand?
- Good.

- I feel something out there waits for you.
- Something more.

Artorius: How fares Nilfgaard?
Vanielle: King Fergus is proving to be an effective and... . excitable young king.
Stregobor: Horny, she means.

- Efforts in Cintra prevent the Brotherhood from placing a mage with elven blood in Aedirn's court.
- How could you tell them?
- I did not.
- Stregobor did.
- Divine the rest.

- Open your eyes.
- She is stunning.

Yennefer: My world is cruel. Unpredictable. You enter, you survive, you die.

- When a wolf... crosses a maiden's grave.
- A pregnant girl who died before her time.
- That babe... starts growing... right in her belly.