The Best Tommy Fulton Quotes

Kate: I can place you at the scene of a six-year-old unsolved murder. I also have circumstantial evidence that you killed Logan in order to cover it up. Now, how much more do you think a jury is gonna need in order to connect those dots?
Tommy: I can explain.
Brett: Do-Don't explain anything, Tommy.
Kate: You think you can hide behind attorney-client privilege if you concealed evidence of a child's murder? I will have you disbarred! And then you will stand trial alongside your client.
Richard: Maybe you'd like to call your lawyer.
Brett: Don't say another word.
Tommy: Brett, what's the point? I mean, the whole plan is screwed, anyway.
Brett: Would you stop digging our graves?
Tommy: I'm not going down for murders that someone else did.
Brett: For God's sake, shut your mouth, Tommy.
Tommy: No. Not this time.
Kate: I think you should leave now.
Brett: Well, you can't kick me out of here. This man is my client.
Tommy: You're fired.
Kate: Either you leave on your own or I will have you forcibly removed.