The Best Trunks Quotes

Mai: Trunks!
[runs to Trunks]
Trunks: [fighting Goku Black] Stay back! You should get going!
Mai: What are you saying? I'll draw him off, the one who needs to go back is you!

Pilaf: We are here for the Dra... drama serial we're shooting!
Trunks: Where are your cameras?

Trunks: What's wrong with Goku? Why isn't he using the power he used on me?
Vegeta: Kakarot has a bad habit of not taking fights seriously in their beginning.
Trunks: A HABIT?

[eating a raw octopus for lunch]
Bulma: This is delicious!
Vegeta: I will eat it all up!
[he pulls on a tentacle... and gets sprayed with ink]
Trunks: Papa?
Bulma: Vegeta?
Vegeta: DAMN IT!
[everything around him starts to shake and crack...]
Bulma: Vegeta, stay calm!
Trunks: Papa, let's get out of here!
[Trunks and Bulma usher Vegeta out of the restaurant poste-haste]
Bulma: Sorry for the fuss, you guys are welcome to what's left!